"Jealous-nya dia bawa kereta besar."
"Jealous-lah tuh tak dapat empat rata"
"Jealous-nya dengan budak alim tuh"
Biasa dengar ayat-ayat dekat atas tuh? Kita pun selalu cakap benda-benda macam tuh. Boleh kata, semua benda kita nak jealous dengan orang lain. Orang ada tu, kita nak tu, Orang ada ni, kita nak ni. That's human nature to be jealous of something or someone. Basically, jealous is feeling resentment against someone because of that person's rivalry, success, or advantages (taken from HERE). Okai, I guess that explain jealous. So jealous could be conjure in positive or negative ways. Positive jealousy is the kind that makes you want to work harder and strive for the better. Negative jealousy could be in the way that when you jealous of something, you react with the bad reaction such as destroying that person's achievement.
Kenapa tiba-tiba entry pasal JEALOUSea? Well, tadi I went to a class and suddenly ustaz tuh cakap pasal jealous. Actually he talked about husband and wife, but I thought about other things. I do have JEALOUSea towards many things especially my friends. I'm jealous with my DEARest that are could be fashionable. I'm jealous with my friend that could be in the way of deen 24/7. I'm jealous with my friends who tweet about religion 24/7. I'm jealous with my friends who get good pointer for their studies. I'm jealous with my friends who can drive. I'm jealous with my friends that could speak Arabic and British accent.
See? If I wanted to list semua my JEALOUSea, it would be like countless pages. Now you know why I spelled JEALOUSea with "Sea" in the end instead of "Sy". Sea of Jealousy. Anyway, being jealous of something is normal for human but how you conjure or express your jealousy that matter. Please DON'T DO STUPID THINGS if you are jealous of someone.
Kenapa tiba-tiba entry pasal JEALOUSea? Well, tadi I went to a class and suddenly ustaz tuh cakap pasal jealous. Actually he talked about husband and wife, but I thought about other things. I do have JEALOUSea towards many things especially my friends. I'm jealous with my DEARest that are could be fashionable. I'm jealous with my friend that could be in the way of deen 24/7. I'm jealous with my friends who tweet about religion 24/7. I'm jealous with my friends who get good pointer for their studies. I'm jealous with my friends who can drive. I'm jealous with my friends that could speak Arabic and British accent.
See? If I wanted to list semua my JEALOUSea, it would be like countless pages. Now you know why I spelled JEALOUSea with "Sea" in the end instead of "Sy". Sea of Jealousy. Anyway, being jealous of something is normal for human but how you conjure or express your jealousy that matter. Please DON'T DO STUPID THINGS if you are jealous of someone.