Friday, September 28, 2012


"Jealous-nya dia bawa kereta besar."
"Jealous-lah tuh tak dapat empat rata"
"Jealous-nya dengan budak alim tuh"

Biasa dengar ayat-ayat dekat atas tuh? Kita pun selalu cakap benda-benda macam tuh. Boleh kata, semua benda kita nak jealous dengan orang lain. Orang ada tu, kita nak tu, Orang ada ni, kita nak ni. That's human nature to be jealous of something or someone. Basically, jealous is feeling resentment against someone because of that person's rivalry, success, or advantages (taken from HERE). Okai, I guess that explain jealous. So jealous could be conjure in positive or negative ways. Positive jealousy is the kind that makes you want to work harder and strive for the better. Negative jealousy could be in the way that when you jealous of something, you react with the bad reaction such as destroying that person's achievement.

Kenapa tiba-tiba entry pasal JEALOUSea? Well, tadi I went to a class and suddenly ustaz tuh cakap pasal jealous. Actually he talked about husband and wife, but I thought about other things. I do have JEALOUSea towards many things especially my friends. I'm jealous with my DEARest that are could be fashionable. I'm jealous with my friend that could be in the way of deen 24/7. I'm jealous with my friends who tweet about religion 24/7. I'm jealous with my friends who get good pointer for their studies. I'm jealous with my friends who can drive. I'm jealous with my friends that could speak Arabic and British accent.

See? If I wanted to list semua my JEALOUSea, it would be like countless pages. Now you know why I spelled JEALOUSea with "Sea" in the end instead of "Sy". Sea of Jealousy. Anyway, being jealous of something is normal for human but how you conjure or express your jealousy that matter. Please DON'T DO STUPID THINGS if you are jealous of someone.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

D way I see WWE

I've always been watching WWE - sejak dari zaman WWF lagi. But then, what do you see in it? Is it just a show that people punch their opponent? Bashing your opponent? Throw your opponent? People get pin down and get 3 counts? Well, if you are seeing WWE like this, you just seeing one angle of it. Try to change your perspective. Bukan tukar perspective tengok body part eh. Aku tampar juga kejap lagi. hehe.

What I admire in WWE is their social service or community service - and also for the part that some of the wrestler have AWESOME muscle body. One of it that interest me is they anti-bully project. "Don't be a a STAR" It just caught me. Well, imagine this, a big guy plus lots of strength telling you not to be a bully. Are getting what I mean? No? Nevermind. Go to the web and checkit dout yourself!

"Embrace those thing that make you different" - Triple H

Another project that WWE did is regarding with female murderer - the breast cancer. Well, maybe whose watching or have watched, WWE Nights of Champion on September 16th - kalau tak salah lah kan date dia, you'll see John Cena in black & pink rather than his usual green gear. This is in support, together with Susan G. Komen, in fighting breast cancer. The words "Rise Above Cancer"- rather than his usual "Rise Above Hate" - was kinda like woah me. Anyway, checkit dout the following link for this project.

Click here (and if you want to know more about breast cancer) Susan G. Komen

Cena go PINK!
Cena right before his match with CM Punk at Night of Champions
Another thing that I guess I don't have to tell you bout it but I just couldn't stop amaze by it even though other people may see it as little tings. It's how they honour the troops - US Millitary. How they honour the people who's been protecting their country. All Cenation knows how John Cena honour the troops. You can see in Cena's match where he always go to his in-uniform fan. Well, not forgetting other WWE Superstar Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, Big Show and many others to name.

Click here for the article

Kofi Kingston in a chopper.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Alhamdulillah, I've graduated. I have received my Diploma. Now, the next step is, inshaALLAH to further my studies. I've been thinking about this sejak dari final sem dekat IIC dulu lagi. Kita kena lah fikir ke depan, bukan ke belakang atau makin ke belakang. Thinking about this given me quite a headache. Since my SPM was so "AWESOME", I'm kinda stuck in choosing which course should I pursue. Anyway, these are among the courses yang I rasa I boleh ambil. Checkit dout guyz!
  1. Bachelor in IRKH (Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Heritage) in Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion.*I could enroll through Track 2 except for the part that I DON'T HAVE "BAHASA ARAB" FOR MY SPM.*
  2. Bachelor of Human Sciences in History and Civilization
  3. Bachelor in Islamic Studies (Hons.) *I guess I could enroll in these courses even though I don't really understand the requirements*
  4. Bachelor in Usuluddin (Da'wah and Human Development)
These are among the courses that I have checkit dout. The 1st and 2nd are offered by International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) , 3rd is in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and the last one is at Universiti Malaya (UM) . Maybe I should survey another courses. Saja untuk back-up.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Diploma Convocation

It's 15th September 2012. I'm finally GRADUATED! *hip hip hoooray* Alhamdulillah. Now, I'm one of the graduates in Diploma in Islamic Studies and Contemporary Sciences of International Islamic College and I'm the second batch of DIC graduates.

Yes I'm graduating

 ..:: Reminiscing my past ::..
Masih ingat lagi dulu... masuk office Madam Iman lepas tuh ternampak jubah konvo tergantung kat rak office tuh. Then cakap dekat kawan - lupa pula dengan siapa time tuh - "Nanti tahun depan kita pula pakai jubah nih kan"
 ..:: Reminiscing my past ::..

And here I am, waiting for my Convocation Ceremony. Yes, I'm graduating. So? ada masalah ke korang if I'm graduating? Yes. I do said last time that I don't want to go to the Convocation Ceremony sebab nak bayar fees dia mahal sangat and memang sakit jugak lah nak bayar. Tapi seeing the face when they - my parents - bilang my relatives that I'm graduating, it's okay lah untuk korbankan sikit duit untuk bayar duit konvo tuh.

Yes, I know. Event tuh just korang jalan naik atas stage, take your scroll, senyum, then turun stage duduk balik kat tempat korang. But hey, every parents nak tengok anak diorang berjaya kan. So, Convocation Ceremony tu just symbolic untuk tunjuk yang budak-budak nih dah succeed dalam Diploma. Well then, InshaALLAH I'll be attending IIC 7th Convocation Ceremony on 15th September 2012 as Diploma in Islamic Studies and Contemporary Sciences Graduate.

Thx to all my lecturers yang ajar for my Diploma. May ALLAH bless you.

(Click for International Islamic College website)

Monday, September 10, 2012

AKu Masih Dara

Korang masih ingat lagi tak movie "Aku Masih Dara" tahun 2010 dulu? Ala, movie yang Raja Farah, Asyraf Muslim berlakon tuh. Kalau tak ingat, pergi google. Tadi search poster movie tuh, tapi gambar dia macam kurang sesuai pula nak post, so tak jadi la nak post. hehe. Anyway, at first I thought the movie about bimbo gedik girl at KeYell (KL) and kinda like lousy movie sebab tajuk dia pun macam apa ja but then, bila tengok movie tuh dekat tv masa raya hari tuh, ada moral story yang teramatlah sangat sesuai untuk orang zaman sekarang walaupun pakaian dalam movie tuh a bit inappropriate. Cerita pasal tiga orang perempuan yang suka bersocial - minum-minum, disco, ice (ectasy), free-mingle -. Then, datanglah seorang mamat nih and dia cuba mengubah diorang tapi cara dia sangat sempoi. And then ..... Korang tengok lah sendiri. Expecting me to tell you your bedtime story huh?

Anyway, masa tengah search poster movie tuh, found one blog than wrote about virginity, social issues mostly pasal remaja zaman sekarang - which is a bit berat sebelah sebab yang masalah social bukan remaja - . Anyway, that's not the problem, the main issue is how rosak our people is. It's scary when you scroll the article down. The more you read, the scarier people nowadays. Orang sanggup buat apa ja including free sex or doing sex just for ten ringgit phone top-up.

This what scares me sejak SMK dulu. Handling issues like this isn't and won't be easy. Maybe orang akan cakap issue nih dah cliche or dah biasa sangat jadi. Ini lah trend sekarang. Imagine your female relative involves in this issue and say out loud to your own face "I'm okay with it!".

WARNING: This site contain inappropriate pictures.
( Read the story, Get the moral, Play your role )

p/s: Congratez to Diana Amir sebab dah berubah. Alhamdulillah!

Sunway Outingtong!

Okai, for last weekend, I'm having two of my DEARest coming over to my house. This is their second time coming - or should I say, slumbering? - to my place. Where is my house? It's EARTH babeyh! Lepas solat jumaat, kitorang terus gerak dari Sri Batu. Sampai my house, terus makan. Lontong dengan kuah lodeh. Then, mandi-mandi apa semua. Malam makan lagi. hehe. Okai tido.

Next day, its the outingtong day. Woke up at 6.00am. Breakfast "Lontong Goreng" - which is the first time my DEARest had it, its like fried rice except for the part that it is "Lontong/Nasi Impit" - at 8.30am. Went to Sunway Pyramid at 10.00am. We went to TGV and brought the ticket for "Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3 : Dog Days" - check out my previous post about this movie -. Then we went for shopping - went to Romp, Philosophy got 70% discount -, ate Red Velvet Cupcake, ate McDonald's. The new Samurai burger was delicious compared to GCB. hehe. Well, we went to Sunway Pyramid to hit McCafe but we end up overfilled our stomach with McD's Burger. Then, continue jalan-jalan in Sunway Pyramid. Eat again at "The Garden" this time. Hi-Tea time. hehe. Our movie is on 5.50pm. After that, we went back home.

That night, after having our dinner, we watched TV Drama "Jane Jamilah" aired on TV3 - which is a very unexpected activity - with my mom. Both my DEARest da siap terbaring atas lantai tengok tv. hehe. Okai tido.

Next day, Sunday, nothing much happen. Pretty much after woke up for Fajr prayer, we went back to bed then breakfast then went on our own ways at 10.00am. But anyway, for this outingtong, my mom's home-made dishes made my DEARest's diet tak jadi because of the AWESOMEly delicious foods and special thx to McD. *evil laugh*

Picture? I haven't edit it yet. Maybe I'll make a special entry for pics.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Style tips (from boy to graduating young adult)

So, tinggal 1 week lagi before IIC 7th Convocation and I don't really know what to wear untuk event-event macam nih. Yela. Baru first time la katakan. Masa SMK dulu pun ada Graduation Day tapi just pakai uniform sekolah ja - our neighbouring school wore convocation robe but our school was so ... -. Now, it's college era and I'm so not gonna dress like SMK or at least I must have the proper way of dressing. So, tadi pergi lah google attire untuk convocation/graduation. Jumpa lah satu video nih. It's not really about convocation attire but more to like graduating boy who's turning to be a young adult style. Just a simple basic style tips and advices.

"9 Style Tips for the Young Man - Fashion Advice for Men Graduating University - College - School" by

(Click for International Islamic College website)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

AWESOME post by Maria Elena

I just read an AWESOME post just now and I really wanted to share with you but since I can't really americano and paste the post here as it is consider as plagiarism dan cetak rompak adalah salah di sisi undang-undang termasuklah pemilikan bahan-bahan lucah. huh?! apa kena mengena dengan entry nih? Anyway, just click the link below to read the post... 

perspektif orang yang tak bertudung pastu pakai tudung: Part 2 

I'm just sharing her post. All the creditz belong to her. 

p/s: AWESOME Handbags and purse Inspired by Maria Elena ( Sometime )

Friday, September 7, 2012

Full Transcript Received

Alhamdulillah, finally I received my Full Transcript/Academic Transcript. Alhamdulillah I get good results. What? Nak tengok my transcript? Dorang bagi hard copy lah. Tak boleh nak upload lah. Kalau soft-copy, boleh la upload...tuh pun kalau nak upload lah. Hehe.

OKai fine. I do said last time that I have one last matter to score with IIC, I still many little steps to become IIC graduate so I'll say -  

(Click for International Islamic College website)

Akhirnya...setel juga finance! Alhamdulillah!

(Balance : RM 00.00)

Alhamdulillah...lepas berapa bulan turun naik Finance Dept. nak settlekan tuition fees, finally settle juga. Tak payah nak fikir-fikir pasal finance lagi lepas nih. Now, I got one last matter to score with IIC and I'M OFFICIALLY IIC GRADUATE.

3B (Buat Benda Baik)

Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang
(Credit to Life Vest Inside for the video)

Cuba try tengok video kat atas nih. Maybe ada orang yang akan cakap video nih cliche (kli-shey), or nih cuma video je. Yes, sebab zaman sekarang nih, kita tengok orang nak buat baik pun fikir sampai 18 kali. Susah sangat nak tengok orang tolong each other macam video kat atas nih kan.

Just a message, if your instinct tell you to do good things, kalau dalam hati tiba-tiba terdetik nak buat benda baik, Just Do It. Nothing Impossible - tiba-tiba terbuat tagline Nike n Adidas pula. hehe. Back to our story, kalau kita asyik fikir-fikir bila nak buat benda baik, usually it will end up kita tak buat. So, if terasa nak buat benda, buat ja.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

7th IIC Convocation Fiesta

Next week gonna be a hectic week at IIC. Next week ade konvo kali 7 IIC. So, dorang akan buat Convocation Fiesta, event untuk sambut konvo. Ada lah macam-macam activities nanti dorang buat. Tahun nih dengar-dengar ada Paintball, Masterchef IIC, Muay Thai, Senamrobik. Tapi this year punya Malaysia Book of Record (MBoR) tak jadi sebab ada masalah technical. Either it's happening or pening, I don't know but it sure will be one hell of a week at IIC.

Convest do bring lots of memories. Convest tahun lepas, walaupun tak berapa nak gah, tapi banyak memory. Struggle nak buat programme. Tapi the best memory is being with my friends and my convest scandal which next week is our 1st anniversary.

One more week to IIC 7th Convocation Ceremony.