Sunday, September 9, 2012

Style tips (from boy to graduating young adult)

So, tinggal 1 week lagi before IIC 7th Convocation and I don't really know what to wear untuk event-event macam nih. Yela. Baru first time la katakan. Masa SMK dulu pun ada Graduation Day tapi just pakai uniform sekolah ja - our neighbouring school wore convocation robe but our school was so ... -. Now, it's college era and I'm so not gonna dress like SMK or at least I must have the proper way of dressing. So, tadi pergi lah google attire untuk convocation/graduation. Jumpa lah satu video nih. It's not really about convocation attire but more to like graduating boy who's turning to be a young adult style. Just a simple basic style tips and advices.

"9 Style Tips for the Young Man - Fashion Advice for Men Graduating University - College - School" by

(Click for International Islamic College website)

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