Sunday, January 20, 2013


LOST. Have you ever feel like you lost? Rasa macam kita tiba-tiba lost, macam hilang arah. Rasa macam tak tahu apa nak buat. Tak tau apa yang kita dah buat. The same thing always in our mind “Ape yang aku nak bwat? Blur semacam jer.” Of course many people have felt or right now tengah rasa perasaan macam nih.

If kita rasa lost, apa yang kita kena buat? What should we do? Do we do nothing and hope the feeling just go away? Sit at kedai mamak watching Nicole David versus Rafael Nadal? (Like that match will even exist.) If you just duduk lepak and do nothing, you just making yourself drifting. You know like rakit dekat sungai or a boat dekat laut, if kita tak ikat or anchor boat tuh, confirm boat tuh akan drifted pergi entah mana-mana ja.

So do us, the homo sapien. If kita rasa lost and kita tak buat anything, kita akan jadi drifter. Mulalah buat benda-benda pelik. If kita lost, kita kena anchor balik diri kita. Tapi nak anchor dekat mana? Janganlah translate literally. You don’t really need to tie yourself to a tree, instead something that ties you to the reality. For example, as Muslim, we have our Deen. As long as we tie ourselves to the Deen, inshaALLAH we will not be drifted. Datanglah tsunami, banjir, hatta taufan sekalipun, takkan tersesat and masih dekat jalan yang lurus.

All people have something that the love the most, for example, our parents. Kita boleh ja anchor diri kita dekat people like parents kita. Everytime kita rasa lost, try to think about our parents. They are the one who care, love and raise us. They will never let us lost. Of course, you can also think about your family, friends or other people that could anchor you to reality. Someone that will never let you lost.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Fresh Face

Finally, a new face. Not like I plan to change the whole blog but bila dah start, tak boleh nak stop. Mula-mula tuh just nak tukar font dia sebab a little bit susah nak baca. But then dari font, terus tertukar satu blog. Oh well, at least I loike! hehe^^

 AND THIS IS THE NEW FACE. woot! woot!

Easier to read. Lagi tersusun. Tak adalah gloomy macam design sebelum nih. Kan kan. hehe^^

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fashion Puzzle

Zaman sekarang nih kita tengok everyone nak berfesyen.  Macam-macam gaya fashion ada. Ada yang pandai berfashion and ramai juga yang tak pandai berfashion. Some other, prefer to be in safe zone and wear the normal casual style most of the time. Jeans dengan t-shirt plus sneekers or flip-flop. Eventhough I always see flip-flop macam something yang selekeh kalau nak pergi jalan-jalan dekat Times Square or Pavilion (for boys). Kalau setakat nak jalan keliling rumah boleh lah.

Now, it’s K-pop era. So mostly kebanyakan fashion ikut Korean artist. The slim fit pant, jacket, tunic, everything. Or even do hairstyle. Kadang-kadang tuh kelakar juga tengok some people who dresses like Korean but jadi lain. Almost like an alien. No offence but some people just copy-paste apa yang artist tuh pakai without measuring on their own.

Fashion is Daring. Whoever dare and bold enough to wear it, so wear it. That’s why ada yang kita tengok people wear variety of fashion and style, some even style yang kite tak terimagine pun. That’s kinda cool for people who made it. But ada juga yang jadi pelik. Fashion is like a puzzle. You fit in the wrong pieces, you fit the wrong fashion.

One of the fashion site that I like, which also belong to my DEARest friend. I guess I’ve found Malaysian Kurt Hummel minus the gay part. Hehe^^
This is my personal favourite. and btw, do click the pict for the fashion site.
To be honest, I'm not really a genius in fashion, so I just wear it safe. But I adore mereka-mereka yang berfashion.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 just another number

2012, 2013. It doesn’t matter to me. To me, semua tuh just sekadar nombor yang tak ada significant in my life. Sebelum habis 2012, people was like havoc cause someone said it’s gonna be Doomsday just because Mayan Calendar habis masa 21.12.12. Every year my calendar ends at 31.12, still tak kiamat-kiamat sampai sudah. But anyway, all that is crap. Nobody can predict when is The End, not even Rasulullah S.A.W.

Let the matter of Doomday rest in the Hand of God. I just wanna express what I felt when I saw how people celebrate new year. This is mainly about the Muslim brother and sister. About what the people around me masa celebrate new year. Semua tunggu countdown sampai 12 malam. Kononnya nak welcome 2013. Lepas tuh dekat Facebook, Twitter sibuk wishing everyone “Happy New Year”. Itu boleh tolerate lagi la. Ada yang excited terlebih pasal new year. Macam lah dapat apa-apa kalau celebrate new year.

Then yang almost semua orang akan buat. Azam Tahun Baru. Typical azam “Tahun nih aku nak jadi bdk baek”. Dude, you don’t need new year to change. You can even change at the very second you think. Mulalah berazam itu ini. Entah apa-apa entah. Semangat buat azam tahun baru sampai list berkilometer punya panjang tapi sampai ke tahun depannya pun tak berubah. Sama juga.

The most “AWESOME” way to celebrate New Year is pergi tempat-tempat macam Dataran Merdeka or KLCC then kumpul ramai-ramai. Campur laki perempuan. Terkinja-kinja lagi teruk dari Psy punya Horse Dance. Countdown pukul 12.00 malam then menjerit-jerit “Happy New Year!” Ada yang lagi extreme, dah lepas terkinja-kinja, masuk hotel, masuk semak dengan couple yang tak sah. Tunggu jer la bulan September nanti. Ada lah tuh kes buang baby.

Both Explode. Both go BOOM!. People go scream hysterically when both explode. Both got red sparkles. The different is that the firework red sparkles is from the gun powder, the bomb's red sparkle from the blood of the martyr.