Tuesday, December 28, 2010

MNH di Article (UBAH part2)


...simple. Cube brUBAH nk pki kopiah stp ari gi kolej (cnth di amek dr kesah bnar ;p). Kalo korang blh istiqamah (berterusan), mmg MNH tabik korang. Nih bru bnde kecik, bkn lg nk ubah diri dr kureng ok to plng ok. Igt sng ke nk brUBAH? Kalo iman tak kuat, tekad dlm ati tak mantop bak kate ust kat tv tuh, jgn hrp la blh brUBAH.

Korang prnh maen plastesin tak? Ala, tanah liat la. Tpu la kalo tak prnh maen. (tak baek kite tuduh org menipu.mane tau mmg dier btol2 tak prnh maen ;P) cuber imagine korang nk bwat bntk dinasor gune plastesin. Korang msti la kene tekan sane, tekan sini, bntkkn situ sana sini kn. Bkn korang tepuk skali, tros jd dinasor. Spanbob tuh laen la. Skali ketuk, batu tros pecah jd patung. Mmg dasat kalo btol2 camtuh.hehe.

Sape yg dpt brubah, tuh MNH mmg tabik la korang. Korang mmg terbaek wok! Tp yg brubah dr tak ok to ok, dr ok to plng ok jer la bkn dr yg ok jd KO. Mmg korang mntk kasutku di mukamu. hehe. Utk brUBAH tuh bkn sng tp utk sng kene brUBAH.

So, moral of d story is?
1. Utk brUBAH, kite kene usaha. To change, we must have effort.
Jgn hrp org dtng ubah kite. Manusia mmg b’billion kat dunia nih tp takkan nk hrp org laen? Kite kene brUBAH utk diri kite sndri.

2. brUBAH ade 2 kategori. Negative to positive and positive to negative.
Kite kene brUBAH to plng ok or positive. Kalo brubah ke negative, baek takyah. Trimas jer la. Hehe.

Jom review ayat kat bwh…

إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوۡمٍ حَتَّىٰ يُغَيِّرُواْ مَا بِأَنفُسِہِمۡ.ۗ.. …

...Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah apa yang ada pada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri...(ar-Rad : 11)

Cuba try test UBAH diri korang. prUBAHan tuh pntng.


Monday, December 27, 2010

MNH di Article (UBAH part1)


Knape tiber2 psl ubah2 nih? ade ape ngan ubah? Kite slalu ckp nk brUBAH. nk UBAH org. tp perUBAHan tuh sbnrnyer bkn sng. Eyh jap2. Ape sbnrnyer definisi UBAH ? kalo ikut kamus dewan edisi ke3, mksd UBAH is :
Ubah : kelainan (dgn yg lain), beza, lain; tak ~ sama benar dgn, tidak ada bezanya;
Ade phm? Ape? Tak phm? Takper2. Sbb MNH pn tak phm ngan mksd nih. Gi tanyer cekgu BM/ lect. Bahasa Kebangsaan korang. Hehe. Okay2, ckup2 mrepek tuh.

Igt sng ke nk brUBAH? Pki wek *smbl bwat aksi jelir lidah + jari msk mulut* blh la, bwat tgk. MNH pn blh type (since kite dlm blog, MNH tak blh ckp), “Aku nk brUBAH jd bdk pndi”. Stkt type kat blog, sratus kali pn MNH blh type.(ok,MNH takkan type smpi sratus kali sbb tuh buang mase+buang energy+buang tebiat. Ayat ini adalah expresi semate2) Utk UBAH, kite kene ade usahe, effort.

Kalo nk brUBAH jd bdk pndi, kite kene byk study. Class jgn ponteng. Bru la blh dpt CGPA 4.1 cam MNH.*muke bangge*.

Igt sng ke nk brUBAH? Kite amek cnth plng....



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

MNH di Bangku Cerita (Kisah 4 Botol Part 2)


Makcik : yg nih plak.kalo ana nak tau,nih kite ibaratkn cam org muslim yg tak jage aurat dan amalan dier.dier nih jenis yg terlalu bersosial.cmpr laki pompuan sane sini.pastuh amalan dier pn tak jage.
Ana : owh.troknyer.dorang tak takut dose er makcik?ana yg dgr nih pn da seram.
Makcik : ntah la ana.makcik pn tak tau nk ckp ape.berdoa jer la kite utk hamba Allah yg nih.kang nnt kalo makcik tgor,tak psl2 makcik yg kene pukol.manusia zmn skrang kite tak blh agak.
Ana : tuh la psl kn makcik.ana bace surat khabar pn same.kes org kene tetak la.kene tikam.kene bakar.yg plng ana takut,org kene simbah asid.
Makcik : *snym tawar* hmm…
Ana : eii,kalo air botol air separuh da camtuh,msti yg botol kosong nih lg trok kn makcik kn?
Makcik : Na’uzubillahi min zalik.
Ana : makcik rase ana nih kategori yg mane?
Makcik : ana rase diri ana yg mane? Cuber ana muhasabah diri ana.
Ana : Ana nk jd botol yg 1st tuh.Ana nk jd muslimah yg plng ok.Amin!
Makcik : Amin!
Ana : ana blk dlu eh makcik.da lmbt da nih.nnt mak mara plak ana blk lmbt.*smbl bayar duet air mineral*
Makcik : ye la ana.trime kaseh ye.
Ana : eh,ana yg kene ucapkn trime kaseh sbb makcik da ajar ana bnde baek pg nih.
Makcik : Ade2 jer kamu nih ana.
Ana : hehe.assalamualaikom makcik.
Makcik : Waalaikummussalam warahmatullah.
Ana tekad dlm atinyer, Ana nk jd muslimah yg plng ok! CAIYOK ana!! inshaALLAH!

So, moral of d story is..MAJULAH SUKAN UTK NEGARA.
Duhh! Ade kene mengene er? Ade2 sbb ana bru blk dr jogging. *gelak+ketawe smbl tepuk2 meja*
Pape yg kite bwat,kite kene jd yg plng ok.lg2 kite org muslim,kite kene jd muslim yg plng ok.jgn setakat muslim kat IC jer tp kat ati kosong.bak kate t-shirt2 yg teenagers ske pki “Aku Jiwa Kosong”.

Owh yea.nih ade pesanan sket dr makcik
Makcik : cnth2 botol yg makcik gune juz utk perbandingan yg general jer.tak smstinyer botol no3 tuh trok sgt.kalo satu mase dier brubah,dier blh jd lg ok dr botol yg 1st.peringatan dr makcik,bak kate omputih, don’t judge a buku dengan cover nyer.

p/s : citer nih telah di-rembat ngan segale hormatnyer oleh MNH mase program kat kolej arituh.so segale credits,takyah pass kat MNH.


Monday, December 6, 2010

MNH di IIC (2nd Sem 2010/2011 commmence)

It's 6th December 2010
Commencing new sem..
2nd Semester 2010..
I am 3rd Sem DIC Student of [I]nternational [I]slamic [C]ollege...
and you are?
im takin Computer Application(CA),English lvl3,M'sian Studies,Intro Fiqh,Intro Science Hadith, Biography of Muhammad SAW (BOM) n usrah : Am I a Good Muslim. so overall will be 6+1 subject...inshaALLAH i can make it...amin!

-3rd Sem DIC MNHayyaN-


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

MNH di BLOG (2)

Haiz…pnatnyer…bnde sng pn ssh nk blajar.tuh yg slalu bwat MNH down. mls nk blajar. cube imagine eh, bnde sng, da bwat ulang2 pn msh lg tak dpt. tak ke stress?camtuh la MNH rase. MNH nih mmg slow-learner. so sape2 yg nak ajar MNH, mmg kene byk sbr la eh.hehe.ahad nih ade paper da. Introduction to Science of Da’wah. Pastuh blk umah.YEA !! tp sblm tuh, arinih kene antar quiz Aqidah n presentation IT. Huhu. Caiyok MNH !! whoooooosh~ saya sedang mereng. Harap maklum. Hehe^^


Saturday, November 6, 2010

MNH di IIC (Assignment Da'wah Part2)

The Obligatory of Prayers

Narration : As we all know, solat or prayers is one of the five pillars of Islam. The story of pray begin with the Isra’ and Mikraj of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.. From 50 times daily to 5 times daily. It’s an obligatory to every Muslim, none are excluded, to perform prayers. There are several quranic verses that command us Muslim to perform prayers.

يَـٰبُنَىَّ أَقِمِ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَأۡمُرۡ بِٱلۡمَعۡرُوفِ وَٱنۡهَ عَنِ ٱلۡمُنكَرِ...(۱۷
O my son ! Perfom the prayer and enjoin kindness and forbid iniquility…(Luqman : 17)

[The clock shows that its almost 7p.m.]
Person 1 : Stop playing with that laptop and get ready to perform Maghrib prayer.
Person 2 : In a minute. I’m IM-ing with my best friend here.
Person 1 : Enough with your IM-ing.” IM-ing” with Allah is the most important.
Person 2 : Whats up with the rush. Look at time. It’s only 7pm. Maghrib prayer set in another few minutes. Relax. Chill. We still have time.
Person 1 : You talking like you own time. Time is not yours my friend. He can take you anytime He wanted to. Even while you are IM-ing with your BEST FRIEND, He can …
Person 2 : Blah blah blah with your lectures. If you want to pray, just go. I’ll pray when I finish IM-ing with my friend.[pfft]
[adzan commerce. Person 1 went to pray. Person 1 came back and found out that Person 2 still playing with his laptop.]
Person 1 : You still playing with that laptop? Have you perform your maghrib prayer? Have you not look at the time?
Person 2 : Chill my friend. There’s still…
Person 1 : Still what? Time?! It’s almost Isya’ prayer. Get up and pray ! [taking the laptop from Person 2]
Person 2 : Not so hard on the laptop. I’ll perform my prayer now.
Narration : Prayer is the pillar of Islam as mentioned by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. in one of his hadith. If one doesn’t perform his prayer, it means that he have crumble the pillar of Islam. Prayer also cleanse a Muslim from sin as in the following hadith :

The Prophet once asked his companions: “Do you think if there was a river by the door and one of you bathed in it five times a day; would there remain any dirt on him?” The Prophet’s companions answered in the negative. The Prophet then said: “That is how it is with the five (daily) prayers; through them God washes away your sins.”


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

MNH di IIC (Assignment Da'wah Part1)

fuhh! alhamdulillah...assignment da'wah MNH da siap.theory jer la.yg practical nyer blom lg.mnggu dpn nk kene b'lakon lg.byk keje den nk kene bwat.pastuh 14hb plak ade paper Science Da'wah.nyway,nih la assignment MNH(nih group assignment ye...yg laen dorang bwat) :

Narration : Adam is the first ever human created by Allah S.W.T.. He live in the heaven and he has everything he needed but he still feel lonely. Thus, Allah S.W.T. created Hawa to accompany. From Adam and Hawa, descended long human generations that differ with the skin colour, race and language for them to get to know each other as stated in Quran.

يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلنَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقۡنَـٰكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ۬ وَأُنثَىٰ وَجَعَلۡنَـٰكُمۡ شُعُوبً۬ا وَقَبَآٮِٕلَ لِتَعَارَفُوٓاْۚ إِنَّ أَڪۡرَمَكُمۡ عِندَ ٱللَّهِ أَتۡقَٮٰكُمۡۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ۬ (13

O mankind! Lo! We have created you from male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware.
(Surah al-Hujraat : 13)

Allah S.W.T. have also created human man and women to fulfill the need of human nature. Human needs to socialize in order to create a civilize life. Although human need to socialize, He has set a few guidelines for the human to socialize.
[Person 1 is surfing the net when he saw a picture of a couple hugging and kissing]
Person 1 : Isn’t this “Person 2”? It really looks like him but I don’t think he would do this. Better I not making any bad assumption and ask him first.
[Person 1 calling Person 2]
Person 1 : Isn’t it you in this picture?
Person 2 : Erm…Er…Yea…
Person 1 : So it’s really you? Do you know that it is sin to free-mixing with the females? It is forbidden even to touch them let alone hug and kisses. Why did you do this?
Person 2 : I don’t know. I just did.
Person 1 : It is a sin to do that. It’s not that we cannot be friend with females, only that Islam have set several guideline for us to socialize. We shouldn’t mingle freely with different gender. When there are one male and one female, the third is satan. Satan will whisper, persuade you to maksiat. Free-mixing is prohibited in Islam but there’s a way to make it legal which is marriage.
Person 2 : I’m still a student. I still have other responsibilities before I get married. I don’t even have income to support my family if I get married.
Person 1 : You need to control yourself. Restrain yourself. Beautify your style of socializing with the beauty of Islam. I know this happen because of the desire in you. Try to fast because fasting can control the desire in you.
Person 2 : I’m sorry. I admit my mistake. Thanks for reminding me.
Person 1 : Its an obligation for every Muslim to help their brothers and sisters.
Narration : Islam has set few guideline for every Muslim to socialize. One male and one female shouldn’t be in one place unless they are accompanied by their relatives.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

MNH di BLOG (1)

I guess a picture or two wont hurt...


Thursday, October 14, 2010

MNH di IIC (cek list 2nd sem 2010/2011)

Selasa 14 Oktober 2010

alhamdulillah...siap jgak assignment Intro Science Quran. tinggal nk print jer lg. nih pn online dlm klass Science Da'wah sbb madam suro bwat keje sendri. hehe^^. best owh bwat assignment Science Quran. topic muhkam mutashabih. mule2 dpt dlu pening gler. satu pn tak phm.tp nsb baek skrang dpt phm. alhamdulillah. hehe^^. okay. so skrang kite cek blk ape keje yg kene bwat...
1 - assignment Basic Arabic.
2 - keje Special Task program Flowers of Love
3 - study utk final yg lg sebulan++

tuh jer la maybe utk skrang nih.tak tau la kalo tiber2 ade keje yg terluper.


Monday, September 27, 2010

MNH di Koperasi Polis (KP)

Sabtu (25 September 2010)

YEA !! its 25th Sept.actually arinih b'day bestie MNH..didi !! hehe.
EppY 18th BirtHDaY DIDI !!
hope u eppy wif ur life, ur family, ur lurve 1, n most importantly...UR BESTIE !!
may Allah bless u my fren~

(nmpk sgt curi gmbr dr facebook)

owh yea...n mlm tuh ade open-house kat kwsn KP...MNH gi sane n bwat cendol...hehe...1st time bwat cendol..hehe^^


Friday, September 24, 2010

MNH di IIC (Final exam)

Khamis (23 September 2010)

pagi nih ade paper Basic Arabic Language..ok la jgak..takde la ssh sgt...da abes paper arab,tros gi blk SAR tgk citer Lagenda Budak Setan n Tekken ngan poji n dewi.hehe.lps nih ade 2 lagi paper,Intro Science Quran ngan Intro Islamic Da'wah.abes kantoi jwb paper sbb tak study.ape yg tgk movie tuh langsung tak msk dlm paper.sedeyh sungguh.hehe^^.

(Lagenda Budak Setan)


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

MNH di Syawal 1431H (2)

cam yg MNH ckp sblm nih dlm post sblm nih...
MNH will update psl upcoming raye..
so dis is it...

Selasa 14 September 2010

arinih kluar umah lmbt sket..
dkat2 kol 12 gitu...
lps amek bdk 3 org tuh..
bru gi jln raye...
tp arinih takde pape sgt..
dats all~

post yg mmg buang mase...


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

MNH di Syawal 1431H (1)

Jumaat 10 September 2010

arinih 1st day raya..
so pg2 kene gi solat sunat aidulfitri..
then gi umah Nyai Ja, umah Yot(moyang)..
then ntah umah sape...

Sabtu 11 September 2010

arinih raye best sket..
sbb jln rmi2..
family MNH ngan lg 4 family...
agak meriah la jgak..
tp kesian kat tuan umah nk lyn kitorang..

Ahad 12 September 2010

arinih jln raye ngan mamat,sharif n fathi..
owh yea...
today i saw sum1 like u except dat she's not wearin tudung..
wif her cina-like looks almost like u..
specs oso

Isnin 13 September 2010

today...same cam smlm..
jln ngan mamat,sharif n fathi...
cume arinih juz gi 4 umah jer..
sume jauh2...

*post will be upadate about upcoming raya....maybe*

Friday, September 3, 2010


wah !! da lame tak update blog...
rase2 cam last update time bln april..
rase cam nk active blk plak..
alang2 blog da lame tak ter-update kn..
baek renovate skali sblm active blk...


n btw...my lappy has been reformat..


Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

MNH di jendela

Alangkah beruntungnya mereka..

Alangkah beruntungnya mereka yang buta...
Mereka tiada daya melihat pemandangan yang melalaikan...
Alangkah beruntungnya mereka yang pekak...
Mereka tiada daya mendengar fitnah dunia yang tersebar luas...
Alangkah beruntungnya mereka yang bisu...
Mereka tiada daya berkata dusta dan menyebar fitnah...
Alangkah beruntungnya mereka yang kodong anggotanya...
Mereka tiada daya melangkah ke tempat maksiat...
Alangkah beruntungnya mereka yang fakir dan miskin...
Mereka tiada daya melaburkan harta mereka kepada riba'...

Lagi beruntungnya mereka...

Lagi beruntungnya mereka yang celik...
Mereka mampu melihat keindahan alam ciptaan Illahi...
Lagi beruntungnya mereka yang boleh mendengar...
Mereka mampu mendengar keindahan kalimah Allah...
Lagi beruntungnya mereka yang petah dan fasih...
Mereka mampu menggunakan lidah mereka untuk memuji-Nya...
Lagi beruntungnya mereka yang sihat wal 'afiat...
Mereka mampu bergerak bebas di bumi Allah tanpa payah...
Lagi beruntungnya mereka yang mempunyai harta...
Mereka mampu membelanjakan harta mereka untuk bersedekah...


Thursday, April 29, 2010

MNH di Islamic Studies Class (1)

Rabu (28 April 2010)

ok...arinih 1st class Islamic Studies.actually sblm nih ade klass English for Islamic Studies (level 1) tp sbb MNH da pass EPA arituh,so MNH nyer subject tuh da automatic drop.so MNH add subejct Islamic Studies.1st day class was ok.cume MNH da terlepas satu topic.nsb baek la lecturer tuh summaries blk topic smlm.quite easy la.alamak,luper plak name lecturer tuh.hehe.so arinih kitorang juz blaja psl Islam,Iman n Ihsan.ape tuh islam?ape tuh iman?ape tuh ihsan?.jap eh.laen kali MNH update entry psl topic tuh eh.owh wait~mende yg MNH merepek nih?haha.tp class Islamic Studies td mmg best.k la.tgh boring nih.tak tau nk bwat ape.bdk2 nih plak asek ajak gi starbak.haiz..


Sunday, April 25, 2010

MNH di IIC (Minggu Keempat)

Minggu ke4 di IIC

Isnin (19 April 2010)
arinih takde bnde sgt...pg tuh juz ade briefin psl library kat library...then septtnyer kol 10 ade briefin dr STAD tp tgk2 cancel sbb da bwat arituh.so kitorang pn pusing2 kat kolej tuh tak bwat pape sementare nk tnggu bas kol 12.

Selasa (20 April 2010)
ikutkn tentative..arinih ade Golf/Montessori.MNH gi Montessori.utk sape2 yg tak tau,Montessori nih cam care utk ajar bdk2.mule2 yg introduce Montessori nih Maria Montessori.nih cam care utk didik bdk2 umur 2thn smpi 6thn.quite interestin utk sape2 yg mnat kat bdk2.hehe.then kol 10+ pg,MNH gi kat tmpt golf plak.try la kn maen golf.pastuh mase nk pukol bola tuh,kayu golf tuh terpukol lantai.hehe^^

Rabu (21 April 2010)
arinih bwat ape eh?luper ar.jap2...nk pk dlu...owh...arinih ade lwn golf.dorang lwn golf.ade 3 round tak slh.laki lwn pompuan.tp yg mng bdk pompuan.shish.nyway,congratz kat dorang sbb mng.hehe.pastuh lps lwn golf,ade briefin ape ntah.byk sgt briefing smpi tak igt.hehe^^

Khamis (22 April 2010)
ok.arinih briefing lg.pagi2 tuh ade briefing dr ACAD psl exam ngan psl subject.pastuh kol 10+ ade briefin psl Further Studies dr Sir Fizal.

ok...dis week nyer activity mostly psl briefin jer.nthg much.owh,n 1 more thing.NEXT WEEK 1st SEM MNH START.tuh sem 3 so kire short-sem jer la.3bln jer.so..
GOOD LUCK for all of us !!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

MNH di Hati (6)

Walkin at d alley.Starin up at d sky.Thinkin bout life.how life should be.

Life is about love and care.Life is about sacrification.Its about how u love n care bout others.Are you willin to sacrifice for other person?Are you willin to endure d pain if u sacrifice urself?Life is about makin decision between two choices.It doesn't matter either u pick d right or d wrong choice.Coz in life,when u make d wrong decision,u'll learn from it.Life is about learning from mistake.Human do make mistakes n d right thing to do is learn from ur mistake n try not to repeat it.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

MNH di TV9 (Nasi Lemak Kopi O)

Jumaat (16 April 2010)

arinih gi Sri Pentas tgk castin Nasi Lemak Kopi O (NLKO)..
excited gler plak..
tp pg td bgn terlmbt...
kol 6.41 pg bru bgn..
tak dgr plak jam bnyi..
tros kelam-kabut mndi...solat subuh..
nsb baek baju sume da siap..
dr kolej naek van gi Sri Pentas..
smpi dlm kol 8.15 pg gaknyer..
then msk kat tmpt studio dier..
jln2 pastuh nmpk Fitri (pengacara MHI)
pastuh bru msk studio NLKO...
dpt burger McD free ngan kopi..
tak tau la nk ckp ape tp korang tgk jer la gmbr2 nih eh..
"A picture speaks thousand words"

then lps abes castin NLKO tuh..
amek gmbr ngan pengacare dier plak..
igt nk amek gmbr ngan Aziz Desa,Wak Long sume tp lps tuh sume da ilang plak..

jam da kol 10++ pg..
naek van blk kolej..
pastu lepak kat cafe...

tuh jer la citer kat Sri Pentas..
laen kali nk gi lg..

(Hari ini penonton.Hari esok pengacara.Hari lusa...penerbit?

sory eh takde post psl mnggu ke3 kat kolej sbb MNH mmg tak gi kolej pn ari isnin smpi ari rabu (12-14 Apr).ade hal.kalo nk tahu hal ape,click sini.pastuh ari khamis tuh plak maen futsal.n one more thing...
kalo rase2 nk tgk muke MNH cam most wanted criminal...tnggu lps maen bola sepak nnt..


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Isnin (13 April 2010)

arinih gi CMPB utk antar confirmation letter dr IIC...
naek MRT gi Tiong Baru..
pastuh mase tgh tnggu bas..
ade la satu group bdk2 nih..
lebeyh kurang umur cam MNH..
bas da smpi..kitorang pn naek bas same..
so mase dlm bas tuh dgr la dorang ckp psl ape..
(tak baek sebok2 dgr org ckp)
dorang tgh ckp psl usuluddin,syariah..
owh..nmpk sgt la nih bdk2 madrasah..
smpi kat CMPB kene jmpe officer dier..
bdk2 madrasah td pn ade gak..
rupe2nyer bdk2 madrasah td pn nk mntk defer gak..
cam rombongan cek kiah plak tgk..
kelam kabut officer tuh tgk ramai2 mntk defer..
pastuh officer tuh letak kitorang dr satu blk..
cam blk soal siasat pn ade..
tp bkn la blk besi 2 kerusi ngan satu meja kat tgh..
so mase dlm blk tuh smpt la knal2 ngan dorang...
budak2 madrasah al-Junied
n yg laen da luper..
ade la dlm 8-9 org gitu...
dorang sume nk further kat al-Azhar Cairo,Egypt...
msh ade lg bdk2 camnih kat s'pore...
then MNH kene msk office dier..
blah blah...
byk bnde.tak tau blh share er tak....confidential gaknyer
er..sory la post nih takde gmbr sbb kat CMPB tak blh amek gmbr...
harap maklum~
mak MNH pn eppy jer tgk ade lg bdk2 camtuh kat s'pore...


Friday, April 9, 2010

MNH di IIC (Minggu Kedua)

2nd Week in IIC

Isnin (5 April 2010)
arinih gi kolej tgk movie !! hehe^^ ala,citer UP jer...dtng kolej,tgk UP,pastuh blk...heh^^

Selasa (6 April 2010)
arnih kene bwat presentation psl citer UP smlm.marol value la,poem la,ape la.group MNH bwat psl Charles Muntz.nsb baek ade poem yg back-up.so ok la sket jd.hehe^^

-Charles Muntz-

Rabu (7 April 2010)
alamak,arinih kene discuss utk lakonan esk.so plan,plan,plan n plan,bwat la citer Si Leman(Tanggang).jln citer dier basically psl Leman nih bdk susah.mak bpk petani.then dier further study kat KL.pastuh jd sombong.then mak bpk meninggal.dier menyesal.typical citer melayu.heh.pastuh posing dlm lift.hehe^^

-YEA !! posing dlm lift-

Khamis (8 April 2010)
arinih kene belakon.TIDAK !!.MNH da la jd Fasha(dun worry...MNH berlakon jer jd pompuan tp MNH still alki sejati...harap maklum~).hehe.tp mmg malu gler ar berlakon td.da la MNH kene blakon jd pompuan.name Fasha plak tuh.haha.tp klakar.hehe.kumpulan laen MNH tak tgk sgt.MNH setakat tgk kump yg bwat lakonan psl dadah ngan ragut.yg laen2 MNH tak tgk.heh^^

owh luper nk citer.kat IIC ade sorang bdk name da nk same ngan MNH.laen sket jer name.Muhammad Hayyun Fikri.haha.


Friday, April 2, 2010

MNH di IIC (Minggu Pertama)

post yg nih MNH nk citer psl 1st week kat IIC...

Registration Day (28th March 2010)
kol 6.30pg da kluar umah naek KTM gi Sentul.pastuh naek taxi gi IIC.(gler adventure).msk jer dewan,keje isi borang jer.pastuh gi tgk hostel.MNH dok kat hostel skrang nih.tuh yg jarang on9.cafe ade kat bwh tp mls nk gi.hehe^^.hostel dier ok da.roommate ngan housemate laen pn da ok.btw,housemate MNH sorang Nigerian lg 2org Jakarta.nsb baek sume muslim.sng sket.hehe.cume toilet ngan dapur jer kotor -_-".

-on d way nk gi Sentul kat KTM Setia Jaya-

-mkn kat IIC-

-introducin Ahza Syafiq..nih roommate MNH-

1st Day of College (29th March 2010)
1st day kat kolej kitorang da ade [E]nglish [P]lacement [A]ssesment.msk2 jer ade test.soalan dier ade 3 esei pastuh kene jwb soalan.ala2 cam kertas exam skool menengah gitu.hehe.tp sng la sbb dorang cume nk cek student bru nih tau eng ker tak.tuh jer.hehe.pastuh ade orientation.knal2 kn diri (part plng MNH tak ske)

2nd Day of College (30th March 2010)
arinih eng blaja psl Nouns jer.nthg much.bnde2 simple.n arinih dpt 1st college homework...kene pk 20 Occupation n 20 Hollywood Movies...ceyh,homework kanak2 ribena btol.hehe^^

3rd Day of College (31st March 2010)
arinih klass Madam Carol blaja Verb.verb-to-be,verb-to-do n yg sewaktu dengannyer ar.hehe.(nmpk sgt pemls nk tulis).hehe.pastuh klass Madam Rubitha(sory madam if i spelt ur name wrongly...hehe),kitorang kene mime(act without voice) n student laen kene teka Occupation/Movie yg kitorang bwat.kitorang divided jd 2 group.Male VS Female.n d result is...MALE Won by 9-7..woot woot~hehe^^.n arinih pn ade briefin utk DIC.intake MNH cume 4 org jer bdk DIC.ok la tuh dr takde.hehe.then blk hostel,kunci plak takde.ari plak ujan.so lepak kat ofis hostel kaco akak As.sory eh kak.tgh boring.

-introducin akak As.dier tak bg pnggl dier "akak" padahal dier da terlebeyh tua.gmbr senep dier tgh kire duet-

4th Day of College (1st April 2010)
klass Madam Carol blaja Adjective.klass Madam Rubitha kene tulis "What do you like/dislike/agree/dissagree with IIC?".ade la 3-4 students kene pnggl kat dpn suro bace.nsb baek MNH tak kene.hehe.but tuh jer la kitorang bwat arinih.nthg much thou.arinih roommate MNH sume nk blk umah.so sementare tnggu nk blk,kitorang lepak lg kat ofis hostel ngan kak As.shian dier asek kene kaco.hehe.

ok la.tuh jer la psl 1st week kat IIC.1st week kn,so ade la sket2 rase sedeyh + rndu kat family ngan kwn sume.but skrang da ok sket (rasenyer la).hehe.k la.assalamualaikom.

-Sesuatu perkara itu berlaku dengan hikmah.Every cloud has a silver lining-


Sunday, March 28, 2010

MNH di Registration Day Eve

Ahad 28 March 2010

arinih Registration Day utk IIC..
lps nih MNH akan further studies at IIC
MNH amek Diploma Islamic Studies and Science Contemporary..
jom gi trivia jap sblm msk kolej..
arituh mase tgh tnggu result SPM..
gi IIC utk tanyer psl enquiry utk further kat IIC..
then tiber2 plak msk surat NS...
then bler da dpt result SPM..
gi lg IIC pastuh dpt offer letter..
pastuh kene blk s'pore utk mntk further studies..
pastuh blh plak dier ckp offer letter tuh tak ckup..
dier mntk acceptance letter plak..
nak taknak nnt mase msk kolej...
kene la gi mntk acceptance letter...
then ari khamis baru2 nih gi shah alam bkk akaun Bank Islam
(muke bangge ade kad ATM....)
kad jer ade..duet kat dlm ciput jer..
so jgn suro MNH blanjer..
harap maklum~
da lps gi Bank Islam tuh...
smpt la gak gi Carre4 cari2 barang utk msk kolej nnt..
tp braper ari sblm tuh pn da bli kat Mydin
Mydin jugak..
tuh la trivia psl dugaan nk msk kolej..
nih nsb baek da simplified..
gaknyer kalo MNH expand...
mau 2-3-4-5kali kene scroll nk bace..

p/s:ape makne TRIVIA ar?


Sunday, March 21, 2010

MNH di-Lema

Sabtu 20 March 2010

juz when i tot everythin gonna be okay..
things started to messed up..
d past dat i've closed is now reopen...
d past dat i haven't think for times now right in front me..
im CONFUSEd...
im askin for hand dat will guide me thru dis...

*lps few hours melayan vid n solat isya"
kalo nk tgk skali...click here

ok...sume tuh cume prasaan MNH..
skrang ati da tenang sket...
takper la...mls nk luahkn feelin kat sini
like any1 will read it...
n btw...tajuk post tuh takde kene mengene ngan post nih eh..
juz gune word "di-Lema" sbb nk sync kn ngan tajuk laen jer...
yg btol sbnrnyer "confuse"...


Thursday, March 18, 2010


Rabu 17 March 2010

MNH gi IIC td utk hntr borang registration...
IIC is [I]nternational [I]slamic [C]ollege or KIA which is [K]olej [I]slam [A]ntarabangsa...
then bler da submit borang everythin..
mule2 igt nk msk intake 11 April then bler pk2 blk..
amek intake 28 March which is NEXT WEEK..
wah !! gler cpat nk msk kolej...

btw...terluper nk bgtau..
MNH amek course Islamic Studies and Science Contemporary...

-International Islamic College/Kolej Islam Antarabangsa-


Monday, March 15, 2010

MNH di Malam Pertama

al-kisah Malam Pertama...
utk menambahkn feelin bace post nih..
  • sile bace pade waktu mlm...atau lg baek tgh mlm time snyi2...
  • malapkn or tutup jer tros lampu2 sume..
p/s:pastuh utk menambahkn lg "kesedapan" bace kisah nih..spray mnyk wngi bau bunge mawar...

sblm tuh...AMARAN utk sape2 yg nk bace..
  • post nih mungkin akan membuat anda ilang rase ngantok...
  • post nih mungkin akan membuat darah anda berderau...
  • post nih mungkin akan membuat jantung anda berdetak 2-3kali lebeyh laju..
  • post nih mungkin akan membuat anda tak seng duduk..
  • post nih mungkin akan membuat anda tak pejam mate anda..
  • post nih mungkin akan membuat anda resah dan gelisah...
  • post nih mungkin akan membuat anda rase pedih pade certain2 bahagian citer...
biaser la kn..kisah Malam Pertama..
takkan korang nk citer Malam Pertama psl ketawe2 pastuh guling2 kat tmn bunge cam citer hindustan plak..

sang kancil dtng beramai-ramai mengadap sultan firaun
-sedutan dr filem Pendekar Bujang Lapok-
actually takde kene mengene pn bnde nih ngan kisah Malam Pertama yg MNH nk citer...
sile scroll ke bwh utk bace al-kisah Malam Pertama..


Malam Pertama Kita

Satu hal sebagai bahan renungan Kita...
Tuk merenungkan indahnya malam pertama
Tapi bukan malam penuh kenikmatan duniawi semata
Bukan malam pertama masuk ke peraduan Adam Dan Hawa

Justeru malam pertama perkawinan kita dengan Sang Maut
Sebuah malam yang meninggalkan isak tangis sanak saudara

Hari itu... mem pelai sangat dimanjakan
Mandipun...harus dimandikan
Seluruh badan Kita terbuka....
Tak ada sehelai benangpun menutupinya. .
Tak ada sedikitpun rasa malu...
Seluruh badan digosok dan dibersihkan
Kotoran dari lubang hidung dan anus dikeluarkan
Bahkan lubang-lubang itupun ditutupi kapas putih...

Itulah sosok Kita....
Itulah jasad Kita waktu itu

Setelah dimandikan.. ,
Kitapun dipakaikan gaun cantik berwarna putih
Kain itu ...jarang orang memakainya..
Karena sangat terkenal bernama Kafan
Wangian ditaburkan kebaju Kita...
Bahagian kepala.., badan. .., dan kaki diikatkan
Tataplah.... tataplah. ..itulah wajah Kita
Keranda pelaminan... langsung disiapkan
Pengantin bersanding sendirian...

Mempelai diarak keliling kampung yang dihadiri tetangga
Menuju istana keabadian sebagai simbol asal usul
Kita diiringi langkah longlai seluruh keluarga
Serta rasa haru para handai taulan
Gamelan syahdu bersyairkan adzan dan kalimah Dzikir
Akad nikahnya bacaan talkin....
Berwalikan liang lahat..
Saksi-saksinya nisan-nisan. . yang telah tib a duluan
Siraman air mawar.. pengantar akhir kerinduan
Dan akhirnya.... tiba masa pengantin..
Menunggu dan ditinggal sendirian,
Tuk mempertanggungjawab kan seluruh langkah kehidupan

Malam pertama yang indah atau meresahkan..
Ditemani rayap-rayap dan cacing tanah
Di kamar bertilamkan tanah..

Dan ketika 7 langkah telah pergi.....
Sang Malaikat lalu bertanya.
Kita tak tahu apakah akan memperoleh Nikmat Kubur...
Ataukah Kita akan memperoleh Siksa Kubur.....
Kita tak tahu...Dan tak seorangpun yang tahu....

nasihat dr BAKAL MAYAT:
1.solatlah kamu sebelum kamu disolatkan(solat jenazah)
2.mandilah kamu sebelum kamu dimandikan(mandi mayat)
3.pakailah pakaian kamu sebelum kamu dipakaikan(kain kafan)
indahnye malam pertama kalu iman dan amal yg banyak didunia
merana lah kamu kalau terlampau leka dengan dunia hingga lupa bakal ada mlam pertama disana

Terima kasih kepada Bakal Mayat utk al-kisah Malam Pertama
(click name utk link ke blog beliau)
tulisan yg italic tuh tulisan asal dr blog Bakal Mayat..
tulisan biaser tuh MNH nyer sndri...

Bler manusia lahir,yg plng dekat ialah mati.
Bler manusia mati,yg plng dekat ialah amal.
Bler manusia beramal,yg plng dekat ialah iman.
Bler manusia beriman,yg plng dekat ialah Rabbul 'alamin.

-Sesungguhnya kematian itu suatu yg indah kalo hdup ini dipenuhi dengan amal dan beriman kpd Allah SWT-


Friday, March 12, 2010

MNH di Hari Keputusan SPM

Khamis 11 Mac 2010

-takper la.awak dpt 5b.skrang nih fikir ke depan.jgn fikir yg lepas -Pn. Suraya Malik

-...juz focus on anything u do after this.this is not the end -Pn. Cheam

2 kate dr 2 org cekgu...
ntah la..
tp tuh la ayat yg agak men-semangat-kan diri arinih...
owh yea..
trime kaseh utk sume yg doakan MNH
slalu bg MNH smgt..yg tlng wish...
tp sory la coz MNH tak dpt result bagus cam korang nk..

Aku dah pernah rasa manis kejayaan,
Aku dah pernah rasa pahit kegagalan.
Aku dah pernah lompat setinggi langit,
Aku dah pernah jatuh tersungkur menyembah bumi.
Aku dah pernah berteriak kegembiraan,
Aku dah pernah menangis kesedihan.
Dulu mungkin aku tidak akan sedar,
tapi kini aku tahu semua ini adalah makna kehidupan.
Jika sesuatu terjadi tidak mengikut apa yang aku hendak,
dari sudut lain aku melihat dan hikmah aku temui.
Sesungguhnya Allah itu Al-Hakim.
Seorang teman pernah mengajar aku,
Jika aku minta diberi kekuatan,
Dia akan memberi aku ujian,
Dari ujian diriku diberi kekuatan.

congratz utk sape2 yg result SPM gempak eh..
utk yg dpt result trok cam MNH..
dis is not d end...
we hav taste failure bitterness n later we'll taste even sweeter victory...
Caiyok to us !!

" Boleh jadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu, padahal ia baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia buruk bagimu. Allah Maha Mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." ayat 216, Surah al-Baqarah.

Hidupku di zaman sekolah telah berakhir...
selepas ini bermulalah kehidupan di zaman kolej aku...
Hidup ini diteruskan...
Makin kehadapan aku melangkah...
Makin besar ujian ke atas aku...
Sungguh aku mohon pertolonganMu untuk memimpin aku...
dan aku minta pertolongan kamu semua untuk mengingatkan aku...
YA !! awak,engkau,kau,kamu,dan anda sekalian !!
Selamat tinggal dunia sekolah
Selamat datang dunia kolej

-Sokongan kamu aku perlukan.Nasihat kamu aku perlukan.-


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

MNH di Kem Kembara Sirah

Sabtu 27 Februari 2010

Arinih ade program Kem Kembara Sirah kat skool...
pg2 lg MNH da gi skool..
ade la dlm kol 7 pg..
smpi skool...gi kantin...bkk laptop...download lagu...
ok la...kite previu sket psl KKS nih..
mostly psl utk mengingati Rasulullah SAW...
ari rabu ngan khamis arituh da discuss ngan ustzh nk bwat ape...
back to d programme...
bler tgk AJK PPI thn nih bwat keje..
terigt plak time dlu2..
rndu pn ade...
walaupun keje dier sbnryner setakat bentang tikar ngan sejadah...
nostalgia tuh..
pg tuh mule ngan solat sunat..
solat sunat taubat ngan solat sunat dhuha..
tak ckup mase nk bwat sunat tasbih..
(mane nk ckup masenyer kalo da kate start kol 8...tgk2 jam da 8.30)
pastuh ade ceramah psl Rasulullah...
MNH tak dgr sgt sbb MNH kat backstage tgh nk ready-kn laptop...
kol 10 rehat pagi....
sedeyh btol...
sepatutnyer lps rehat tuh MNH nyer slot...
tp sbb laptop tak compatible ngan projector..
so tak blh nk tnjk vid tuh kat bdk2...
bengang gak la..
terpakse la suro dorang troskan ngan LDK dorang...
then dorang ade treasure hunt..
time tuh MNH tgh dok kat tepi dewan ngan S...
MNH tgk jer la dorang maen treasure hunt..
then terpk..
btol er ape dorang bwat nih?
mmg la soalan2 dier psl Rasulullah...
tp laki n pompuan satu kump lari ke hulur hilir..
cam ade yg tak kene jer..
ntah la...
then MAz da dpt thumbdrive utk file transfer..
pastuh bler da transger vid MNH msk dlm laptop ustzh..
laptop ustzh plak tak support format Flash..
adeyh...bg btol dugaan..
tak jd la MNH nk tnjk vid tuh..
then mkn tgh ari...solat zohor...
pastuh lepak jap kat tepi dewan...
dlm kol 3+ tuh bru blk...
n sory la sbb entry yg nih mmg takde gmbr psl program tuh sbb tgh me-ready-kn laptop yg tak ready utk program tuh..
tuh yg takde gmbr...

-Ana uhibtu ya Rasulullah...tapi mana bukti aku?-


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

MNH di Hati (5)

Selasa 9 Februari 2010

Miles away, oceans apart
Never in my sight
But always in my heart
The love is always there
It will never die
Only growing stronger
A tear rolls down my eye
I'm thinking all the time when the day will come
Standing there before you accept this hajj of mine
Standing in ihram making my tawaf drinking blessings from your well
The challenge of safa and marwa rekindles my imaan,
[Oh Allah I am waiting for the call, praying for the day when I can be near the Kaabah wall] x2

I feel alive and I feel strong
I can feel Islam running in my veins
To see my Muslim brothers the purpose all the same
Treating one another exalting one true name
I truly hope one day that every one's a Muslim
That they remember you in everything they say
Standing in ihram making my tawaf drinking blessings from your well
The challenge of safa and marwa rekindles my imaan,
[Oh Allah I am waiting for the call, praying for the day when I can be near to the Kaabah wall] x2

Irfan Makki
(click pic for source of Waiting for the Call lyrics)

-When my heart was troubled,You send your Sakina unto me.All this while i never realize the Sakina untill i heard the words from Native Deen.When i heard Waiting for the Call by Irfan Makki,now i know that His sakina will come in any way even the way we dont think of.-
