Saturday, November 6, 2010

MNH di IIC (Assignment Da'wah Part2)

The Obligatory of Prayers

Narration : As we all know, solat or prayers is one of the five pillars of Islam. The story of pray begin with the Isra’ and Mikraj of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.. From 50 times daily to 5 times daily. It’s an obligatory to every Muslim, none are excluded, to perform prayers. There are several quranic verses that command us Muslim to perform prayers.

يَـٰبُنَىَّ أَقِمِ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَأۡمُرۡ بِٱلۡمَعۡرُوفِ وَٱنۡهَ عَنِ ٱلۡمُنكَرِ...(۱۷
O my son ! Perfom the prayer and enjoin kindness and forbid iniquility…(Luqman : 17)

[The clock shows that its almost 7p.m.]
Person 1 : Stop playing with that laptop and get ready to perform Maghrib prayer.
Person 2 : In a minute. I’m IM-ing with my best friend here.
Person 1 : Enough with your IM-ing.” IM-ing” with Allah is the most important.
Person 2 : Whats up with the rush. Look at time. It’s only 7pm. Maghrib prayer set in another few minutes. Relax. Chill. We still have time.
Person 1 : You talking like you own time. Time is not yours my friend. He can take you anytime He wanted to. Even while you are IM-ing with your BEST FRIEND, He can …
Person 2 : Blah blah blah with your lectures. If you want to pray, just go. I’ll pray when I finish IM-ing with my friend.[pfft]
[adzan commerce. Person 1 went to pray. Person 1 came back and found out that Person 2 still playing with his laptop.]
Person 1 : You still playing with that laptop? Have you perform your maghrib prayer? Have you not look at the time?
Person 2 : Chill my friend. There’s still…
Person 1 : Still what? Time?! It’s almost Isya’ prayer. Get up and pray ! [taking the laptop from Person 2]
Person 2 : Not so hard on the laptop. I’ll perform my prayer now.
Narration : Prayer is the pillar of Islam as mentioned by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. in one of his hadith. If one doesn’t perform his prayer, it means that he have crumble the pillar of Islam. Prayer also cleanse a Muslim from sin as in the following hadith :

The Prophet once asked his companions: “Do you think if there was a river by the door and one of you bathed in it five times a day; would there remain any dirt on him?” The Prophet’s companions answered in the negative. The Prophet then said: “That is how it is with the five (daily) prayers; through them God washes away your sins.”


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