post yg nih MNH nk citer psl 1st week kat IIC...
Registration Day (28th March 2010)
kol 6.30pg da kluar umah naek KTM gi Sentul.pastuh naek taxi gi IIC.(gler adventure).msk jer dewan,keje isi borang jer.pastuh gi tgk hostel.MNH dok kat hostel skrang nih.tuh yg jarang ade kat bwh tp mls nk gi.hehe^^.hostel dier ok da.roommate ngan housemate laen pn da ok.btw,housemate MNH sorang Nigerian lg 2org Jakarta.nsb baek sume muslim.sng sket.hehe.cume toilet ngan dapur jer kotor -_-".
-on d way nk gi Sentul kat KTM Setia Jaya-
-mkn kat IIC-

1st Day of College (29th March 2010)
1st day kat kolej kitorang da ade [E]nglish [P]lacement [A]ssesment.msk2 jer ade test.soalan dier ade 3 esei pastuh kene jwb soalan.ala2 cam kertas exam skool menengah sng la sbb dorang cume nk cek student bru nih tau eng ker tak.tuh jer.hehe.pastuh ade orientation.knal2 kn diri (part plng MNH tak ske)
2nd Day of College (30th March 2010)
arinih eng blaja psl Nouns jer.nthg much.bnde2 simple.n arinih dpt 1st college homework...kene pk 20 Occupation n 20 Hollywood Movies...ceyh,homework kanak2 ribena btol.hehe^^
3rd Day of College (31st March 2010)
arinih klass Madam Carol blaja Verb.verb-to-be,verb-to-do n yg sewaktu dengannyer ar.hehe.(nmpk sgt pemls nk tulis).hehe.pastuh klass Madam Rubitha(sory madam if i spelt ur name wrongly...hehe),kitorang kene mime(act without voice) n student laen kene teka Occupation/Movie yg kitorang bwat.kitorang divided jd 2 group.Male VS Female.n d result is...MALE Won by 9-7..woot woot~hehe^^.n arinih pn ade briefin utk DIC.intake MNH cume 4 org jer bdk DIC.ok la tuh dr takde.hehe.then blk hostel,kunci plak takde.ari plak lepak kat ofis hostel kaco akak As.sory eh kak.tgh boring.
-introducin akak As.dier tak bg pnggl dier "akak" padahal dier da terlebeyh tua.gmbr senep dier tgh kire duet-
4th Day of College (1st April 2010)
klass Madam Carol blaja Adjective.klass Madam Rubitha kene tulis "What do you like/dislike/agree/dissagree with IIC?".ade la 3-4 students kene pnggl kat dpn suro bace.nsb baek MNH tak kene.hehe.but tuh jer la kitorang bwat arinih.nthg much thou.arinih roommate MNH sume nk blk sementare tnggu nk blk,kitorang lepak lg kat ofis hostel ngan kak As.shian dier asek kene kaco.hehe.
ok la.tuh jer la psl 1st week kat IIC.1st week kn,so ade la sket2 rase sedeyh + rndu kat family ngan kwn sume.but skrang da ok sket (rasenyer la).hehe.k la.assalamualaikom.
aku tgk labels tu asl tgelak ah? HEH.
label aku da rosak ar..
whoa bestnye dah blaja balik ;p
jgn sedih hayyan, nnt i pun sedih oh . *i have feelings* HAHA
still nk sedeyh gak..
dun care~
u ade feelin..NOT !!
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