Saturday, August 3, 2013

My TwentyFirst Ramadan

Assalamu'alaikom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

It's 26th Ramadan. How fast time fly. How I remember I worried that how I'm gonna fast this year when Ramadan approaching and now, Ramadan is bidding farewell. Yes, I'm sad that Ramadan is going to leave us soon. I don't give a damn how cliche this sound. Every year I used to say that I'm sad that Ramadan is leaving but this year, I really am. Maybe it's because I am being tested by ALLAH 'Azza Wajal during this Ramadan. I could taste the sweetness of Ramadan. Something that I don't want to lose. Maybe this is what those people who love Ramadan feel when Ramadan is leaving. Verily I have felt the sakinah during this Ramadan. Despite all the test and trial that ALLAH put me through, I could feel the calmness compare to other month. Blessings in Ramadan.

O ALLAH, would I meet next year's Ramadan? or would I meet You instead? Nobody knows the answer except for You, O ALLAH al-'Alim al-Khabir. I know my deeds would never suffice.

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