Zaman sekarang nih kita tengok everyone nak berfesyen. Macam-macam gaya fashion ada. Ada yang pandai berfashion and ramai juga yang tak pandai berfashion. Some other, prefer to be in safe zone and wear the normal casual style most of the time. Jeans dengan t-shirt plus sneekers or flip-flop. Eventhough I always see flip-flop macam something yang selekeh kalau nak pergi jalan-jalan dekat Times Square or Pavilion (for boys). Kalau setakat nak jalan keliling rumah boleh lah.
Now, it’s K-pop era. So mostly kebanyakan fashion
ikut Korean artist. The slim fit pant, jacket, tunic, everything. Or even do
hairstyle. Kadang-kadang tuh kelakar juga tengok some people who dresses like
Korean but jadi lain. Almost like an alien. No offence but some people just
copy-paste apa yang artist tuh pakai without measuring on their own.
Fashion is Daring. Whoever dare and bold enough to
wear it, so wear it. That’s why ada yang kita tengok people wear variety of
fashion and style, some even style yang kite tak terimagine pun. That’s kinda
cool for people who made it. But ada juga yang jadi pelik. Fashion is like a
puzzle. You fit in the wrong pieces, you fit the wrong fashion.
One of the fashion site that I like, which also
belong to my DEARest friend. I guess I’ve found Malaysian Kurt Hummel minus the
gay part. Hehe^^
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This is my personal favourite. and btw, do click the pict for the fashion site. |
To be honest, I'm not really a genius in fashion, so I just wear it safe. But I adore mereka-mereka yang berfashion.
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