Sunday, August 7, 2011

MNH di Convest

Assalamualaikom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

Alhamdulillah…Convest kat kolej da abes da. Sume da selesai sudah. Hehe. Lega ati. Abes satu keje. Skrang nih kene concentrate kat study n puasa. Since convest da abes, MNH nk dedicate post nih utk convest. Ala2 credits la gitu. Hehe^^

Firstly, Alhamdulillah. Bi iznillah MNH dpt setelkn keje convest walaupun ade byk tech probs. Biaser la kn if bwat program. Mane yg takde mslh nyer kn.hehe.

To Kak Lailatul Syahirah aka Kak Lela yg jd assistant MNH. N jgak jd PA MNH sbb kak lela la kene call sume org since MNH plng tak ske keje call2 org nih. Walaupun kak lela busy ngan program Friendly Match dier, tp still blh bg commitment utk Special Task Convest. Thx eh kak lela. Mmg syng akak lebeyh ar.hehe^^

To my Special Task committee, kak farah atikah,kak asma’ n izuan iqbal. Asalnyer 7 org tp last2 tinggal 3 org. To kak farah, kite same2 kire siling dewan utk closing ceremony. cr idea camner nk decorate dewan kite yg “MAHA” cantek tuh ngan tiang seri ngan tgh2 alam. To kak asma’ sbb tlng men-decorate-kan dewan kite mase closing ceremony arituh. Mmg tak siap la kn decorate kalo korang takde sbb MNH kene gi UIA. To photographer tak bergaji,izuan iqbal.ko mmg photographer terbaek ar.pasnih jgn luper pass gmbr kat aku.hehe^^

To kak syira, syukran sbb guide camner nk bwat banner n poster. Thx for d advice n thx sbb tlng printkn. Kalo takde akak,rase nyer tak naek banner convest tuh. Mmg dok dlm laptop smpi kitorang convo la jgak nnt. Hehe. Jazakillah.

To may n nadia, thx sbb antar gi Giant arituh bli brng utk closing ceremony. Kalo tak, mmg da ber-exercise da beta gi Giant jln kaki. Hehe^^

To madam Iman, thx for givin me chance n trust me for d Special Task. At least dpt jgak berconteng2 kat photoshop n for purpose. Hehe^^

To Kak Ain, thx sbb tlng cmnt logo convest mase MNH bwat time meeting. Psl no 6 tuh. Sir azlan ckp logo tuh cantek. Blh mntk keje kat hotlink lps nih. Hehe^^

To all that helped me but I din mention ur name,sory. But a BIG THANX for all of u.

(something that I'm proud of)


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