Thursday, August 18, 2011

MNH di IIC (assignment Hadith al-Ahkam)

Wudhu’ (Ablution)

AUTHOR: Shaikh ‘Abdullaah bin Saalih Al-‘Ubaylaan
SOURCE: His Book As-Salaat (pg. 13-18)

As for what is related to the ablution (wudoo), then the foundation with regard to it is Allaah’s saying: “O you who believe, when you intend to perform the prayer, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe (with wet hands) your heads and (wash) your feet up to the ankles.” [Surah Al-Maa’idah: 6]

And also the saying of the Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam): “Allaah does not accept the prayer of any of you, when he is in a state of impurity, until he performs the ablution.”
[Reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim from the narration of Abu Hurairah]

And there is also the hadeeth of the Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam): “The key to the prayer is purification. Its tahreem[1] is the takbeer (saying Allaahu Akbar), and its tahleel[2] is the tasleem (saying as-Salaam ‘Alaikum).”
[Reported by At-Tirmidhee from ‘Alee with a good chain]

Before beginning, one must make the intention for his ablution for the prayer or for whatever else ablution is legislated for. This is because ‘Umar (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) reported that Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: “Verily, the actions are only based on their intentions. And indeed, every person will have what he intended.”
[Reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]

Then he must say: “Bismillaah” (In the Name of Allaah). This is based on what An-Nasaa’ee reported with an authentic chain from Anas (radyallaahu ‘anhu) where he said: “Some of the Companions of the Prophet sought (water) to perform the ablution, so Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘Does any of you have water?’ So he placed his hand in the water, while saying: ‘Perform the ablution (saying) in the Name of Allaah.’”

Thereafter, one should begin the ablution by washing his hands one time. But if he washes them more than that, this is more preferable. However, the complete number of times prescribed to wash them is three times. This washing of the hands is mustahabb (recommended) and not obligatory, so long as it does not occur when waking up in the morning after having slept at night, for in this case, washing the hands would be obligatory. This is due to the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah, recorded in the two Saheehs, in which Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: “When one of you wakes up from his sleep (at night), he should not dip his hand into a vessel, until he (first) washes them three times, for indeed none of you knows where his hand spent the night.”

Then he does the Madmadah, which is when one washes his mouth by rinsing water in it, and also the Istinshaaq, which is inhaling water into the nose. Then he does the Istinthaar, which is when one blows out the water from his nose that he had inhaled.

He should perform these three acts of Madmadah, Istinshaaq and Istinthaar with one handful of water, meaning the water that he takes for doing the Madmadah should be the same water used for the Istinshaaq. This is based on the hadeeth of ‘Abdullaah bin Zayd found in Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim, in which he describes the Prophet’s ablution saying: “The he would wash his mouth and nose (performing Madmadah and Istinthaar) three times, using the (same) handful he took water in.”

If one were to perform Istinshaaq one time only, that would be sufficient and his action would be valid, due to what has been authentically reported in Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree from the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas, who narrated that: “Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) performed ablution (washing each body part) once.”

Then he must wash his face. The boundaries of the face are: from where the hair of the head begins to the chin, lengthwise, and from the right ear to the left ear, widthwise. He should wash it with one washing by which he will cover all of his face.

But if he washes it more than that, this is preferable, however the complete amount is three times. It is also recommended for him to rub his (wet) fingers through his beard, if it is thick, to the point where the water will enter below his chin palate (i.e. touch the skin). This is based on what ‘Uthmaan (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) reported that: “The Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) would run his fingers through his beard.”
[Reported by At-Tirmidhee and authenticated by Ibn Khuzaimah. Al-Bayhaqee has a similar narration from Anas with a good chain of narration]

Then he must wash his hands from the tips of his fingers to the end of his elbows. Some people think that washing the hands means starting from the wrists to the elbows, since they feel that they already washed their hands in the first part of the ablution. However, we say that washing the hands in the first part of the ablution is not obligatory. But as for washing them after washing the face, then this is obligatory – one’s ablution is not complete unless he washes his hands. There is nothing wrong with washing the upper arm (above the elbow), to ensure that one has washed his elbow thoroughly. This is since this has been authentically reported in Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah that he (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) performed ablution once and washed over his upper arms. Then he informed the people that Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) would perform ablution in the same manner.

He should begin by washing his right hand. Then he should wash his left hand, in the same manner he washed his right hand. Then he should wipe all of his head with water. The manner of how the head should be wiped is described in the hadeeth reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim from ‘Abdullaah bin Zayd (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) that: “When Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) wiped his head, he began from the front of his head, using both hands, until he reached his nape. Then he returned his hands (wiping his head) to the place from where he had begun.”

He should also wipe his ears along with his head, with the same water he uses to wipe over his head. This is due to the hadeeth of ‘Abdullaah bin ‘Amr, in which he said: “Then he (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) wiped over his head and then entered his two forefingers into his ears, while wiping the back of his ears with his thumbs.
[Reported by Abu Dawood and An-Nasaa’ee and its chain of narration is sound (hasan)]

Then he must wipe his feet up to (and including) the ankles. He must pass over the heels and run his fingers through his toes. This is based on what At-Tirmidhee, Abu Dawood and others reported with an authentic chain from Laqeet bin Sabarah (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) who said that: “Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘Complete the ablution and rub (water) between the fingers/toes. And exert in inhaling water in the nose, unless you are fasting.’”

The description of the ablution, as mentioned before, has been indicated in the hadeeth reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim from ‘Uthmaan bin ‘Affaan (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) that: “Once ‘Uthmaan called for water for ablution, so he washed his hands three times. Then he rinsed his mouth (madmadah), inhaled water in his nose (istinshaaq) and blew it out (istinthaar). Then he washed his face three times. Then he washed his right hand up to (and including) his elbow three times, then the left hand in the same manner. Then he wiped over his head. Then he washed his right foot up to (and including) the ankle three times, and then his left foot in the same manner. Then he said: ‘I saw Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) perform ablution in the same manner as I have performed it.’”

From the obligations of the ablution is that one maintain the order in which each part is washed. This is due to the apparent meaning of the above ayah and also because Allaah placed the act of wiping between several acts of washing. I am referring to the wiping of the head – Allaah placed it between the washing of the face and the hands and between the washing of the feet. According to the Arabs (i.e. the language), two similar acts are not cut off from each other unless it is for a beneficial purpose, which is, in this case, the order. What also provides evidence for this is that Allaah’s Messenger never abandoned performing the ablution in this order (mentioned in the ayah).

The proof for this is the hadeeth reported by Jaabir bin ‘Abdillaah, describing the Hajj of the Prophet, in which Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: “Begin with what Allaah began.” This is how An-Nasaa’ee reported it – in the form of a command from the Prophet. It is also in Saheeh Muslim in the form of the Prophet informing about it.

Also, from the obligations of the ablution is what is known as Al-Mawaalah. This is based on the report of ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) who said: “The Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) once saw a man who had left a spot on his foot the size of a fingernail untouched by water, so he said to him: ‘Go back and complete your Wudoo.’” This hadeeth is also found in Sunan Abee Dawood from the path of some of the Companions that: “Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) once saw a man who had left a spot on his foot the size of a fingernail untouched by water, so he commanded him to redo the ablution and the prayer.”

Imaam Ahmad said that the chain of narration of this hadeeth was good. The meaning of Al-Mawaalah is: To not delay in washing a body part to the point where the part washed previously becomes dry (i.e. leaving no gaps in between each act of ablution).



[1] Translator’s Note: Tahreem here means the point in prayer in which normal acts such as talking and eating become forbidden

[2] Translator’s Note: Tahleel here means the point in prayer in which normal acts such as talking and eating become permissible again.

MNH di IIC (program)

Assalamualaikom warahmatullahhi wabarakatuh…

Fuhh! Fuhh! Pnat. Bru blk dr Giant.*amek nafas kjap*. Hehe. Td kat Giant, makcik2 da mule memborong segale gula kat Giant tuh. Berplastik2 makcik bli ye. Gule pasir la, gule perang la, gule tarik la, gule ketuk la.(korang tau er ape tuh gule tarik n gule ketuk?) Nsb baek makcik tk bli Gula-Gula. Hehe^^

Nih pn tgh pnat program. Smlm ade iftar kat kolej organize by JAWI. Blh thn la jgak mknn dier. Alhamdulillah. Kenyang prot buke puasa. Nsb baek tak terbongkang mase terawikh. Cume kakiku lenguh sbb terawikh pnjg sgt. Hehe^^

Arinih plak kat kolej ade program al-Quran Rasm Uthmani. Organize by JAWI jgak. Baek btol JAWI nih ye. Bagus2. Troskn usaha anda berdakwah. Hehe. Tp taktau la knape. Arinih pnat sgt handle program. Td kol 11pg pn da cam nk abes da energy. Mulut mmg confirm da kering. Ckp pn dgr tak dgr jer. Hehe. Abes jer post mortem lebeyh kurang kol 2, tros jer blk umah. Tak larat da. Kalo ikutkan, ade lg 2 lg program. Bubur Lambuk n Manifestasi Ramadan. Tp duer2 tak dpt nk gi sbb tak larat sgt. Sory kak lina n kak maryam.

Esk lg ade iftar Martial Art. Organize by Seni Silat Pusaka Gayong IIC n Taekwondo Club IIC. MNH jd Asst. Special Task (maybe la sbb tak igt…hehe).n esk jgak kene gi Cheras nk gi Rumah Keluarga Besar Nurul Iman. Nk tgk umah kanak2 HIV/AIDS utk program usrah Profesional Muslim : To Be or Not To Be. N nk mem-best-kan lg ari esk, nk gi Cheras tuh kol 3 n time jgak MNH ade Practical Wudhu’ Based on Sunnah. Nih pn tak post2 lg assignment yg MNH bwat utk wudhu tuh.

Last but not least, (cam esei advance 2 plak…hehe) sory sgt2 kat sume sbb meeting2 sume MNH tak dpt dtng. Mmg pact gler. So MNH terpakse go to priority which is my study. Sbb tuh MNH gi meeting utk program usrah n ade yg MNH tak gi meeting sbb clash ngan class. So sory sgt2.

-this writing was typed by MNH at 10.00pm – 10.20pm August 17, 2011-


Sunday, August 7, 2011

MNH di Convest

Assalamualaikom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

Alhamdulillah…Convest kat kolej da abes da. Sume da selesai sudah. Hehe. Lega ati. Abes satu keje. Skrang nih kene concentrate kat study n puasa. Since convest da abes, MNH nk dedicate post nih utk convest. Ala2 credits la gitu. Hehe^^

Firstly, Alhamdulillah. Bi iznillah MNH dpt setelkn keje convest walaupun ade byk tech probs. Biaser la kn if bwat program. Mane yg takde mslh nyer kn.hehe.

To Kak Lailatul Syahirah aka Kak Lela yg jd assistant MNH. N jgak jd PA MNH sbb kak lela la kene call sume org since MNH plng tak ske keje call2 org nih. Walaupun kak lela busy ngan program Friendly Match dier, tp still blh bg commitment utk Special Task Convest. Thx eh kak lela. Mmg syng akak lebeyh ar.hehe^^

To my Special Task committee, kak farah atikah,kak asma’ n izuan iqbal. Asalnyer 7 org tp last2 tinggal 3 org. To kak farah, kite same2 kire siling dewan utk closing ceremony. cr idea camner nk decorate dewan kite yg “MAHA” cantek tuh ngan tiang seri ngan tgh2 alam. To kak asma’ sbb tlng men-decorate-kan dewan kite mase closing ceremony arituh. Mmg tak siap la kn decorate kalo korang takde sbb MNH kene gi UIA. To photographer tak bergaji,izuan iqbal.ko mmg photographer terbaek ar.pasnih jgn luper pass gmbr kat aku.hehe^^

To kak syira, syukran sbb guide camner nk bwat banner n poster. Thx for d advice n thx sbb tlng printkn. Kalo takde akak,rase nyer tak naek banner convest tuh. Mmg dok dlm laptop smpi kitorang convo la jgak nnt. Hehe. Jazakillah.

To may n nadia, thx sbb antar gi Giant arituh bli brng utk closing ceremony. Kalo tak, mmg da ber-exercise da beta gi Giant jln kaki. Hehe^^

To madam Iman, thx for givin me chance n trust me for d Special Task. At least dpt jgak berconteng2 kat photoshop n for purpose. Hehe^^

To Kak Ain, thx sbb tlng cmnt logo convest mase MNH bwat time meeting. Psl no 6 tuh. Sir azlan ckp logo tuh cantek. Blh mntk keje kat hotlink lps nih. Hehe^^

To all that helped me but I din mention ur name,sory. But a BIG THANX for all of u.

(something that I'm proud of)


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

MNH di Facebook


Do I insert my personal data in facebook correctly? Maybe? Maybe not? Blh jer MNH maen letak pape info kat situ. Nk letak no tel 000000000000 pn blh. Nk bwat status Married, Divorce, In a Relationship pn blh. MNH blh maen tkar2 status. 10mins pn blh jd married, divorce, married, divorce. So, sile percaye sgale info yg MNH tls kat facebook ye. Harap maklum.

Itu sahaja pengumuman pada pagi ini. Saya serahkan majlis kepada….


Monday, July 4, 2011

MNH di Article (Freehair)

Assalamualaikom warahmatullahhi wabarakatuh
*mate da nk ttp + penat = expresi mengantok smbl menulis blog*

Walaupun da ngantok, tp MNH tetap nk share jgak MH gi Karnival Amal Jogathon SIMDE kali ke braper ntah pn MNH tak tau sbb blh kate tiap2 thn skool tuh dok bwat Karnival Amal Jogathon. Hehe. But MNH bkn nk citer yg tuh, MNH nk citer bnde laen. MNH ade la jmpe kwn2 lame mase zmn SIMDE dlu. Nk summarize kat citer, byk da brubah. Even kwn MNH sndri byk da brubah. Ade yg kluar skool tuh tros jd freehair. Dlu mase time2 MNH jd bdk innocent dlu, MNH mara gler if ade kwn MNH yg tkar jd freehair.

MNH prnh mara kwn MNH yg jd freehair tuh. N d consequence? Kitorang cam sum sort of putus frenship eventhough before that MNH mmg rpt gler ngan dier. Dlu mmg la MNH tak rase pape but now, bler MNH pk blk, MNH mmg nyesal gler mara dier sbb dier jd freehair. Sbb MNH mara dier, kitorang tak bertegor like 3+ years almost 4years. Cume ade skali tuh lps SPM, MNH terserempak ngan dier mase nk gi keje. Tuh juz say “Hye!” then blah.

Mmg kite blh mara bler kite nmpk kwn kite or sape2 jer bwat slh but jgn mara dpn dier. Mara dlm ati n kite msti ade niat utk nasihat or tegor dier. But jgn kite gi dpn2 dier pastuh tgor dier ngan care yg kasar (peril tuh pn kategori care yg kasar tp slow). Kite kalo nk tgor org, kene “bilhikmah” or dlm melayunyer kite pnggl “dengan hikmah” or in eng we call it “with wisdom”. Kite kene tgor ngan lembut tp ngan hikmah. Jgn kite tgor suare lembut tp takde isi. Kosong jer.

Tgor ngan care yg baek. Tnjk yg kite msh lg syng or amek brat psl dier. Kite tgor dier sbb kite taknak dier ter-corner jauh tersasar dr track yg btol. Td bler MNH jmpe blk ngan dier, MNH sedeyh pn ade sbb bler brubah jd camtuh, MNH takde utk tgor dier. N because of my care tgor yg slh, she has been freehair for like 4 years.



Assalamualaikom warahmatullahhi wabaraktuh…

29th June 2011…tarikh abes nyer paper final MNH n abes jgak sem 4 MNH kat IIC… 4sem da MNH abes kat IIC tp dis time…MNH rase sedeyh plak…dunno y. rase cam rndu pn ade. Rase cam tak blh nk lpskn sumthin. Maybe sbb sem 4 nih byk memories compare to previous sem. But nyway, sem4 is already gone n MNH still have few more semester to go.

Mlm td, kitorang bdk2 SRC bwat gathering. Mule2 plan nk bwat on 29th June, gi la kluar jln2 tp sbb rmi da nk blk umah, so tkar plan bwat 28th kat blk SAR jer. It was a simple gathering or more to farewell party actually. Mlm tuh kitorang solat maghrib jemaah. Then mkn2. Thx to kak lina for d food. (nasi putih + ayam msk merah + sayur ). Mase mkn tuh mmg meriah la. Da kate mkn ramai2. Laughter everywhere. Lps mkn tuh, kitorang jd “camwhore” kjap. Nnt MNH amek gmbr tuh dr Kak Lela n post kat sini k. hehe^^

Lps jd model tak bergaji, kitorang maen True or Dare or should MNH say True or True since takde sorang pn nk amek Dare.hehe. macam2 la bnde yg kitorang tau dr game tuh. But sume soalan tanyer psl dlm ati ade sape. Hehe. Rupe2nyer sume da berpunyer. Termasuk la org yg MNH tak expect. Hehe. But sory la MNH tak blh nk citer sbb ape yg kitorang ckp, abes kat situ jer. Tak blh bwk kluar.hehe. mase time sorang tuh tgh nk True, MNH smpt lg mkn donut smpi 3. Hehe. It was seriously fun. Time tuh mmg takde pk psl keje ke ape ke. Trase cam rpt gler time tuh walaupun kitorang sume mmg rpt pn. Hehe^^

Kitorang gather smpi kol 11+ smpi pak guard dtng.hehe.then kitorang sume blk. Then pg td mase MNH tgh kemas2 beg,seriously rase sedeyh gler. Rase cam MNH da nk tngglkn IIC tros. Rase cam sebak jer. Tak sdap ati. Even now if MNH terpikir jer psl td, MNH still rase sedeyh. MNH cuber ckp yg dis thin is normal but d sad feelin is still there. I dunno. Maybe dis is wat we call HUMAN. Lg sedeyh if MNH pk yg MNH cume ade 1 sem jer lg ngan seniorita or my sisters in SRC since dorang pn da nk practical n ade yg amek 7sem jer.

“They aren’t not MNH blood brothers n sisters but the bond make up the word brothers n sisters”


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

MNH di Article (Tanya)

Arituh kwn MNH ade tnyer MNH a few questions. I managed to answer 2 out of 3. *smbl bwat muke smug*. Hehe. But it makes me ponder many things. MNH tak kesah if org nk tanyer pape kat MNH lg2 psl agame. Please, tafaddal. Bkn MNH nk kate MNH pndi but I wanna know how low is my knowledge. Slalunyer kite rase cam kite tau everythin but bler org tanyer, kite start to wonderin. Byk jgak rupenyer yg kite tak tau.

Bler MNH try pk ape yg MNH tak tau, MNH tak tau ape yg MNH tak tau slagi org tak tanyer kat MNH. Otak MNH cume pk sumthin yg MNH tau. For example…..erm…hmm….ntah la. MNH pn tak tau nk bg example ape since MNH pn tak tau.see? dats our mind. We cannot think about something we don’t know.

Confirm korang tak phm ape yg MNH ckp sbb MNH sndri pn tak phm amende yg MNH type.hehe^^.

MNH terpikir, camner prasaan org yg tgh mencari eh? Mksd MNH is org yg terlalu byk persoalan dlm kpale dorang. MNH ade bace satu novel psl sorang laki tgh cari tuhan. One day, dier mimpi yg dier terdengar suara tuhan. Then, dier mule la bace buku2 agama n jmpe sume org agame. Laki nih free-thinker or aties. Dier gi jumpe ustaz, sami, n paderi kristian utk cari tuhan. N for years dier cr, org tuduh dier gler,mental n sume2 la. But lastly, he did found. Tp bkn tuhan yg dier jmpe, dier jmpe cahaya iman, Allah bg dier hidayah. But shortly lps dier dpt hidayah, dier mati kene bunuh. Coz dier nih dlu mase zmn aties, dier nih kongsi gelap. N dier punyer bos merankap abg ipar dier warning dier, kalo dier msh lg sebok cari tuhan, abg dier akn bunuh dier. So he was killed shortly after he found d light.

Kat kolej MNH pn ade jgak kwn MNH yg tanyer bnde2 camnih. Bnde2 yg psl ketuhanan nih. But MNH tak brani lg nk jwb coz tuhan is sumthin yg kite tak blh nk maen jwb jer. So MNH suro dier gi jmpe org yg lebeyh ilmu dr MNH. Takut nnt kalo MNH terslh bg jwpwn, terpesong aqidah dier, mati MNH. Pade MNH, sng jer. Slagi kite blh byngkn tuhan, tuh bkn tuhan. MNH tak kate slh utk bertanyer tp tak sume bnde kite blh tanyer n ade jwpwnnyer. Jgn smpi jd gler isim.


Monday, June 20, 2011

MNH di Musix (Lady Gaga - Judas)

Arituh ade senior MNH tnjkkn music vid Lady Gaga – Judas. MNH pn tgk la vid tuh. Ala biaser la Lady Gaga kalo vid ngan lagu plek2. So MNH pn cam tak heran sgt la ngan vid Lady Gaga. N senior MNH ade bgtau yg Judas tuh la org yg khianat nabi Isa. So its kinds interestin nk tgk vid tuh psl ape. Then ade satu ari tuh, time MNH tgh lepak2 kat lobi kolej smbl, da tak tau nk bwat ape,tiber2 MNH terigt lagu Judas. So MNH try la search kat internet psl Judas nih. Turn out, it quite an interestin story.

Bible version:
Judas nih sbnrnyer antare 12 pengikut Nabi Isa or Jesus. Tp dier da khianat Jesus nih. Pihak gereja (Church or temple) bg kat dier 30 pieces of silver. Then mase the Last Supper, lps abes mkn mlm, askar tros tngkp Jesus. And how they know which one is Jesus? Judas kiss(Kiss of Betrayal) Jesus utk tnjkkn yg org tuh la Jesus. N then Jesus kene tangkap and crucified. Lps tuh, Judas felt in d situation of remorse. So dier return blk 30 pieces of silver kat gereja. N ngan silver pieces tuh, dorang bli Potter Land. Judas mati lps tuh. Ade 2 version camner Judas mati. Ade yg ckp Judas mati gantung diri. N ade jgak yg citer Judas mati dkat Potter Land sbb kene langgar ngan chariot (ala2 kete kuda gitu) n prot dier terburai.

Islam Version:
Kalo ikut citer org islam, sblm nabi Isa ditangkap, Allah da tkarkn muke seorg laki yg jmpe nabi Isa jd nabi Isa. Mase askar tgh serbu tmpt tuh, ade sorang laki gi cr Nabi Isa. Tuh la laki yg ditukarkan mukenyer. Then dier keluar n gi jmpe askar2 tuh blk. N he was captured sbb askar tuh igtkn laki tuh la nabi Isa padahal Nabi Isa da diangkat ke langit. N laki tuh disalib. Laki tuh la Judas.
But bler ade yg mempersoalkan camner Nabi Isa blh turun time kiamat nnt walhal dier da disalib? Ade yg jwb…Jesus tuh immortal n somehow as a prove to his immortality, dier tak mati mase kene crucified. Dats how they answered when ppl start ask.

Gaga version:
Lagu Judas nih sbnrnyer lagu psl sorang manusia yg ade cinta yg slh. Sorang manusia yg cintakn Judas tp sbb dier Christ, dier terikat ngan Jesus. So dier tak blh cintakn Judas tp dier msh cntakan Judas.

Nih lebeyh kurang cam citer cnta dua darjat la gitu. Ala2 cinta terlarang. So MNH rase msj lagu nih tak slh tp cume care penyampaian dier jer yg ade bermaen ngan agame n agak controversy. D song is kinda catchy. click2 for lyric.

-click for vid-


Thursday, June 16, 2011

MNH di Blog

Next post - Lady Gaga - Judas

Monday, June 13, 2011

MNH di Furious

Knape ade manusia yg snggp amek kesempatan atas kebaikan org laen? Da takde keje laen er nk bwat? It always makes me furious. How people always take advantage of others. Bnde2 nih kdng2 bwat MNH pk 2-3 utk trust sum1. MNH ngaku yg MNH have trust issue. TRUST is not sumthin u can buy kat tepi jalan ke, kat uptown er. Igt bler da gain TRUST tuh pastuh blh maen2kn org tuh camtuh jer? Ko silap besar bhai.

Kebanyakan dr kite ade soft-side, side yg slalu nk tlng org walaupun org yg kite tak knal. Tp jgn la kite amek kesempatan atas soft-side org laen. Org tuh ikhlas nk tlng tp bler org laen da start maenkn dier, amek kesempatan kat dier, lame2 ati dier blh jd keras. Soft-side dier akn ilang. Takde lg dier nk percayekn org, nk tlng org lg.

Lg trok kalo smpi maenkn MARUAH org. Yes mmg nmpk bnde tuh cam kecik, tp pada org tuh, It is sumthin big. Even a mountain of gold n diamond is cheap when compare to it. Ade org snggp bwat keje gler bler ade org maenkn MARUAH dier. MARUAH bkn cam brng yg blh korang repair kat kedai hardware. It is sumthin that if u toy wif it, d mark is eternal.

Arituh MNH tgk Nur Kasih n MNH ske satu dialog nih. MNH rase dialog nih sesuai ngan ko…


MNH di Blog

Assalamualaikom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Berdirinya saya disini adalah untuk…haha…da cam khutbah la plak. hehe. mnggu nih tak byk bnde bru yg jd dlm hdup MNH. Juz normal activities.

I’ve received my mid-term papers which is kinda *tutt* actually. Lg2 subject ITB. Mmg cam *tutt* jer mrkh. Slame nih kalo dpt paper, MNH juz gune principle receive-and-redha. Tp kali nih kene gune principle receive-and-booster. Tp akak MNH ckp receive-and-booster tuh pn redha tahap tnggi. And yeah, I received my 2nd quiz result. N alhamdulillah, I proved to u akak, I did it. Hehe^^ (tak baek riak ye wahai kalian2 sume)

MNH slalu t’igt citer psl org angkat kayu time Isra’ Mikraj Rasulullah SAW. It makes me think. MNH mmg da ade t/jwb, da ade keje nk kene setelkn. But i keep addin on works. Kdng2 tuh mmg la juz nk tlng kwn. Tp MNH terpikir la jgak, btol er ape yg MNH bwat nih? Smpi kdng2 tuh keje sndri pn tak tersiap n tensi sndri. Hmm, ntah la. MNH pn tak tau. Hope I have all d strength to make it up.

Actually MNH tgh ade byk citer nk share. Tiber2 idea dtng cam Sungai Tigris plak. Hehe. Tp nk kene siapkan asgnment, nk kene study utk final since my final is in 1 WEEK time. Tp tuh la, time tgh byk keje nih la idea dtng. Takper la. Smpn utk post akn dtng. Hehe^^


Monday, June 6, 2011

MNH di return

Assalamualaikom warahmatullahhi wabarakatuh…
And a very good ___(please refer to ur current time)
Hehe…greeting da cam majlis formal plak. Giv ur applause cause MNH IS IN D HOUSE ! BAM! Hehe. Da cam concert pn ade jgak. Hehe^^

Knape da lame takde entry? Ke-busy-an melanda MNH smpi takde mase nk cr tulis blog. N disebabkan ke-limited-an internet, bertambah2 la ke”rajen”an MNH utk tulis blog.hehe. nih pn tergerak nk tulis sbb classmate MNH, “makcik” intan sebok suro MNH tulis. (tp mmg nk tulis pn sbnrnyer) hehe^^

Sbnrnyer sepanjang MNH meng-khalwat-kan diri dr blog, byk bnde da jd. MNH Di Blog mmg sunyi tp hdup MNH tak prnh sunyi. Bz ngan preparation utk ConvEst (Convocation Fiesta) IIC, ke-tensi-nan melampau sbb result MNH yg tak abes2 nk turun jer, prasan sorang2 dan segala bende lah. Hehe^^

Arituh time tgh lepak2 dlm blk, MNH dpt “hidayah” nk tulis citer. Tajuk dier…Notepad. Epic kn tajuk dier? Hehe. Nih citer psl…..mane blh bgtau. Citer pn tak tulis lg. nnt kalo ade mase free, MNH nk tulis. Tuh yg MNH nk bwat. Skrang nih tgh nk igt blk citer tuh.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

MNH di Article (Ketua)

Huargh~!!*expresi menguap* Pnatnyer la bdn nih (pinggangku tgh ache-ing sbb asek guling2). Byk keje nk kene bwat. Mane ngan assignment lg yg nk kene antar mnggu nih. Mane ngan SRC lg. owh yea, MNH da bg tau blom yg MNH dpt jd SRC 2011/2012 walaupun jd Exco Information & Inquiry jer? It’s fun coz I got to play with graphic (coz of poneng kopale den pk camner nk organization chart nih @_@), MNH kene tampal info segala kat keliling kolej, n inshaALLAH dis year, Exco II nk bwat ala2 surat khabar yg kitorang(MNH ngan “kakak” ku) bg name “Paper & Quill”.

Manusia tuh ketua. Ketua utk diri dier sndri, ketua utk family dier, ketua utk kwn2 dier n sume2 la. Kalo nk list sume ketua, rasenyer ranap jgak la blogspot nih. Hehe. Sng ckp, dr bnde plng kecik kpd bnde yg plng besar. Everythin needs a leader to lead. Tp byk org luper bler da jd ketua, da smpi atas, tak gheti2 nk tunduk ke bwh. Nk kene tepok tulang blakang er bru gheti nk tunduk? Jgn smpi korang nyer slh, org laen kene tanggung. Tuh namenyer mmg nk mkn penampor + penendang + penumbuk + penyepak + penerajang. (TOLONG jangan IKUT SEGALA PERKARA NEGATIF INI.)

Jgn la psl korang nyer bsar kpale, org laen yg kene tanggung. Jgn smpi korang nyer kuase, org laen nyer frenship rosak. U guys who rule n u guys who destroy.



Monday, January 24, 2011

MNH di IIC (2nd Sem 2010/2011 Mid-sem examination)

huhu! lame sudah tak ter-hapdet blog nih. 2mnggu lps bz ngan SRC selection. skrang nih plak takde mase nk hapdet ini blog.hehe.

subject yg MNH da jwb. English for Islamic Studies lvl 3.Intro Science Hadith.skrang nih ade lg 4 paper.go go.blh bwat.blh bwat.hehe.

bittaufiq wan najah.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

MNH di Hati

Kau katakan itu buruk…
Tapi bagi aku itu cantik…

Kau katakan itu hodoh…
Tapi bagi aku itu indah…

Sungguh dunia menghentammu…
Tapi kau tidak melatah…

Perubahan mu itu satu keindahan…
Ku pinta istiqamah dirimu…

Teruskanlah perubahanmu…

Wajahmu tiada dalam pandanganku…
Rupamu tiada dalam ketahuanku…

Cukup sudah apa yang aku kenali…
Lemparlah segala fitnah di jauhari…

Teruskanlah perubahanmu…

MNH bkn nk puisi/sajak/pantum/poem eh..sajer jer nk bwat ayat gempak.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

MNH di Article (Amanah)

[A]nual [G]rand [M]eeting is around d corner. Actually bkn around tp mmg da in d house da. Mnggu nih tgh AGM. Start dr 28/12/10 smpi 6/1/11 pastuh ade election utk SRC 2011/2012 plak. Utk sesape yg dpt post dlm club/society, korang kene bwat keje ngan amanah. Nnt kat sane, kene soal plak psl amanah. Niaya nk jwb nnt kalo tak bwat amanah btol2.

Amanah. Ape tuh amanah? Teman pn tak tau nk explain cam mane. Amanah nih lebeyh kureng cam bler org bg korang satu keje, erm dpt post as President Klass, korang bwat keje tuh btol2. Bak kate2 pakar motivasi – SEHABIS BAIK. Ade phm? Kalo tak phm jgak, bkk la al-mu’jam fil lughatul malayuwiyyah or bahase sonangnyer...KAMUS DEWAN.

Dalam quran pn ade tulis, tnde2 org munafik ade 3 which are bler BERCKP dier MENIPU, bler BERJANJI dier MUNGKIR, bler diberi AMANAH dier KHIANAT. N ade gak dlm hadith tnde2 ke4 which meanin is dier sntiase over bler bertengkar (sile cek blk hadith nih). Tuh la dier tnde2 org munafik ye anak2 sekalian. Janganlah kite menjadi org2 munafik kerana sesungguhnyer org2 munafik itu…ape plak msk post psl munafik nih? Terlajak sudah. Hehe^^

Kalo rase diri tuh tak blh nk pgng amanah, baek jgn amek amanah tuh. for example, sorang manusia yg kumpul kayu bertimbun2 smpi dier sndri tak blh nk angkat tp dier tmbh lg kayu. Da la amanah yg mmg ade kat dier tak larat nk bwat, nih nk tmbh amanah laen lg. igt nih Amanah Sdn Bhd ke ha? Hehe^^

Oleh sebab itu, adalah diketahui bahawasanya…DANG! Hehe. GooD LucK utk AGM dis time. Kalo dad pt post tuh, bwat la keje btol2 eh. Jgn time AGM smgt nk post, tp bler da dpt, hampeh satu keje pn tak blh nk bwat. Owh yea, post nih bkn utk org2 yg dlm AGM jer, STP MANUSIA ADE AMANAH DAN LAKSANEKANLAH AMANAHMU WAHAI ANAK ADAM *byngkn scene tepi laut + sunset + ombak + splashin*
