How do people define “Happy Family”? Husband and wife? Family yang ada banyak anak? Suami isteri yang tak pernah gaduh, yang asyik 24/7 loving couple ja? Benda nih is something subjective. Lain orang lain dia punya definition. My definition? What I picture of Happy Family is … erm, how to put this. To me, it doesn’t matter if the couple have many children or a single child or even no child at all. But of course, anak-anak tuh pengikat family. Walaupun ada anak yang perangai macam anak haram, dia still anak dalam family tuh.
Husband and wife and yang loving couple 24/7 and tak gaduh, to me is not a Happy Family. IMPOSSIBLE for a couple untuk tak gaduh. Sometime, arguing could be a method to bond. Not that I’m saying you should gaduh for like everytime. But hey, loving 24/7 without arguing, how you gonna appreciate your mate? To girlfriend and boyfriend that always gaduh, tak payah nak couple-couple. Couple tuh untuk someone yang penakut nak hold responsibility and tak tau nak kasi commitment. To gurls, if your boyfie always says he lurves you but never wanted to take responsibility, DUMP HIM! Seriously.
Anak-anak tuh indicate keluarga bahagia? Yes, definitely maybe. Anak-anak tuh rezeki from Allah S.W.T. Any married couple nak anak. Either late or early, they do want kids. Ada yang nak anak lambat sebab family planning. But still nak juga anak kan. Anak-anak is the married couple prove of love. Even if ada married couple yang dah divorce, anak-anak yang tinggal tuh proves that they were once loved each other. But now, yeah, some no-brain-only-know-to-play go play and play and then go baby dumping. Seriously just knock their heads with baseball bat. Dumping innocent babies in drain and everywhere.